Originally, he wanted to find a more suitable opportunity to let her know with a more acceptable opportunity.

But now... It's the worst way.

He was careless. He didn't notice that she was standing behind him. But... In his conversation with Chongwei, he didn't seem to mention his own identity, but he still said his name directly.

That is to say... Still know his identity before seeing him? Who said that again?

Yi Jinli suddenly opens her eyes and orders Gao Cong to say, "check the cell phone that is still there. Who is the nearest one?"

"Yes." Gao Congming answered immediately.

It was only after a while that Gao Congming found out that "Yiye, Miss Ling's last phone call today was at 6:35 p.m. and Qin Lianyi was the number of everyone on the other side."

Qin Lianyi... Yi Jin squints her eyes. He remembers this woman and is still a good friend.

"Then go and find out who Qin Lianyi has seen today!"

Gao Congming should.

At this time, the car has driven to the gate of the hospital where Mr. Yi is.

Yi Jin leaves and Gao Congming gets off the car. When he arrives at the door of the ward, Yi Jin leaves the bodyguard who looks at the door and says, "does the old man sleep?"

"Not yet." The other side replied respectfully.

Yi Jin tells Gao Congming, "you are waiting outside." With that, he pushed open the door of the ward and walked in.

Mr. Yi is sitting on the sickbed, looking through an album.

Yi Jinli knows that this album is full of photos of her father from childhood. Although the old man complains about his son's dishonour, his father was the pride of the old man, and he valued people most.

As for him... Yi Jin is cold in the centrifugation, I'm afraid the old man would like to get rid of the half of his body inherited from his mother's blood and genes.

Even when he was a child, the old man always hated his eyes, because his eyes were very similar to his mother's. even when he was a child, for a while, the old man did not allow him to see him, because being looked at by his eyes similar to his mother's would make the old man feel sick.

At the moment, Yi Jin pulls a chair, sits in front of the old man, and doesn't speak. She just looks at the old man quietly. Her grandparents and grandchildren are silent.

Finally, when he finished the album in his hand, he looked up at the grandson sitting in front of him.

The relaxed sitting posture, just sitting casually like this, brings with it a kind of elegance, an excellent appearance, a straightforward and decisive style of action, sharp and cold-blooded, but also makes the territory of Yi's, in the hands of Sun Tzu, expanded a lot.

From the heart, grandson is better than his son, but as long as you think of the woman's blood flowing in grandson's body, you will make him feel sick of swallowing flies.

But this is the only blood left by my son!

"I checked. The woman's name is Ling still. She used to be Xiao Ziqi's girlfriend. Three years ago, she was the one who killed Mei Yu." Yi said coldly.

"Yes." Yi Jin returns from her lips.

"She's been in prison, but now she's just an environmental sanitation worker. Are you going to be with her and let the Yi family make headlines?"

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