But Yi Jin left without even looking at Xiao Ziyi, but still said to Ling, "sister, what do you think? Is that enough? "

Up to now, Xiao Ziyi can only beg Ling for mercy and help, even if she hates Ling again.

"Ling still, I... I know it's wrong. I shouldn't do that to your friends. I... I can apologize to your friends. Please, forgive me."

Ling still looks at Xiao Ziyi, who is crying bitterly. She knows that Xiao Ziyi's begging for mercy is because Yi Jin left, not because of her.

But facing such xiaoziyi, she has no sympathy at all. When she thought that xiaoziyi had treated xiaoziyi like this before, she would hate xiaoziyi and blame herself.

she would rather accept this humiliation than ripples.

Ripple has sacrificed a lot for her. As a result, after she was released from prison, she not only couldn't repay ripple well, but also let ripple suffer such a crime because of her.

"Well, then I want you to apologize to ripple in front of all the people who saw this scene that day, and be responsible for the compensation for the medical expenses of ripple's hand injury, work delay, etc." Ling still said.

Naturally, Xiao Ziyi nodded her head in a hurry and agreed, but if she apologized and compensated, it would be better than if her hand was broken or wasted.

Gao Congming's foot was released. Xiao Ziyi held the stepped hand in her hands, which was so painful that she could hardly lift the crutch she was on.

Yi Jin told Gao Cong Ming, "let Xiao Ziqi come in and take his sister away."

"Yes." Gao Congming should, not a moment later, Xiao Ziqi followed Gao Congming into the ward.

At the sight of his sister holding a hand and tears streaming down his face, Xiao Ziqi quickly picked up his sister, and then looked at Yi Jin and Ling who were sitting on the sofa with complicated eyes.

Although he already knew that Yi Jin was still with Ling, but it was the first time to see Ling face to face.

A woman who had been abandoned by him and became the bottom of the city is now on the rise. Maybe in the future, he will look up to this woman.

This change in identity made Xiao Ziqi feel inexplicably bored.

"Yi ye, then... I'll take my sister back first." Xiao Ziqi said.

Yi Jin from way micro Yang eyebrow way, "don't still say hello, you should also be an old acquaintance."

This sentence listen to the tone is very common, but Xiao Ziqi but inexplicably have a sense of fear.

"This... This... Miss Ling and I haven't seen each other for a long time. I hope we can go through the past like this." Xiao Ziqi carefully replied, only to feel the cold sweat pouring out from his back.

But the next sentence of Yi Jin's departure made Xiao Ziqi's cold sweat surge more.

"Still, when you had an accident, he broke up with you immediately. If you want to get back at him, you can talk about it. I can help you." Yi Jin left this, as if to help a little help.

But when Xiao Ziqi and Xiao Ziyi listen to each other, their faces change in unison.

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