Ye Wenming sits in the car, watching Zhuo qianyun pick up her son in the kindergarten, and watching their mother and son walk towards the nearby station hand in hand.

Once upon a time, he had a chance to walk with them, but that chance was destroyed by himself.

Obviously, their mother and son are in his sight, but he can't get close to them.

At the beginning, he thought that he brought the Ye family back from the dead, he was successful!

But in fact, he is the most failed one. The only one he loves in his heart doesn't even want to see him after death!

His son may have been a healthy child, but he lost his hearing because of his revenge!

It is a pain to think of all the things in the past!

But the pain, but do not know when to stop!

Maybe... It will hurt for a lifetime, until the day of his death, it will hurt!

Ye Wenming raised his hand and pressed it against his heart.

It's a pain!


at night, in the Yi family's mansion, Yi Jinli still soaked Ling's feet, covered her hands with the dregs of traditional Chinese medicine, and carefully helped her back to the bedside.

Looking at his careful appearance, Ling still couldn't help laughing, "in fact, you don't have to be so careful. Now it's not convenient for me to walk, and the three little guys are still good."

In addition to the beginning, she had more serious pregnancy vomiting. After five months, she basically stopped vomiting and had a good sleep.

Moreover, according to the current examination results of the hospital, everything is developing in a good direction. When the children stay well in her stomach, she is gradually relieved.

But instead, he seemed to be facing a big enemy, especially when her stomach grew bigger and bigger, he was more like a tight string.

Several times, when she woke up with frequent urination in the middle of the night, she found that he was not sleeping, but watching her all the time.

"Why don't you sleep? Look at me like this. " When she asked, he said, "it's like looking at you like this. It's more reassuring."

So, is he not at ease now? Is it because she's afraid of any accident when she has a baby?

Maybe after the child is born, he can be completely at ease! Ling still thought to himself.

"Rest early. You haven't had a good rest for Zhuo qianyun these days." Yi Jin left the way.

"Well." Ling still answered.

At this time, suddenly the door of the bedroom was knocked, Yi Jin from a micro frown, and then called a "come in.".

The housekeeper opened the door and went into the bedroom. "Young master, young lady, there is a man named Ye Wenming who is drunk and yells outside the house to see young lady."

The housekeeper said, the corner of his eye still glanced at Ling, and then asked carefully, "do you need to call the police?"

The Yi family is not easy. It's calmer now. The young master and the young lady are newly married. All the three young masters in the young lady's stomach have not been born yet. The housekeeper really doesn't want anything to happen because of a strange man.

You know, the young master is very concerned about the young lady!

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