"It's not up to you whether my son has the final say to stay." Zhuo qianyun said, holding his son's hand, he planned to leave here to appease the child.

After all, there are many parents here. She doesn't want such disputes to make Xiaoyan more embarrassed.

But then, the parent suddenly said loudly, "why do we want our children to go to the same kindergarten with the children of a person who has been in prison? The children of prisoners may be prisoners when they grow up. This kind of thing is hereditary!"

The volume is obviously to be heard by people around.

Suddenly, the eyes of the parents around, all gathered over.

Zhuo qianyun's step suddenly, turned his head and glared at the parent coldly, "what's my hatred for you, what's your hatred, let you say such vicious words? Still in front of the kids. Please apologize to my son. He hasn't done anything against the law. You are not qualified to speculate about his future in this way! "

For a moment, the parent was startled by Zhuo qianyun's momentum, and then said, "I apologize. Why do you want me to apologize? Just because you've been in prison?"

"You --" Zhuo qianyun stares at each other. Having been in prison is the deepest pain in her heart and the beginning of all her sufferings.

But even so, in any case, she can never let her son be said like this, otherwise, it will become the shadow of the child for a lifetime.

Her hand, firmly holding her son's hand, staring at the woman in front of her, "if you don't apologize, then I will sue you, no matter how much time and energy you spend, you will definitely have to apologize to my son!"

This matter, she must finish before she dies, perhaps, this is one of the few things she can do for Xiaoyan.

"Ha ha, it's really funny to sue. A person who has been in prison has the face to sue others!" That woman sneers a way, completely don't put Zhuo Qian Yun this words in the eye.

At this time, a male voice suddenly raised, "if you don't apologize, then you'll be waiting for the court summons. In the future, the price you have to pay is not just an apology. I swear, I will sue you to ruin your property and have no way to ask for help!"

The cold voice of that Sen, as well as the fierce tone, made the arrogant woman look at the person in front of her in surprise.

This woman also saw Zhuo qianyun's story from the Internet. Naturally, she also saw the photos of Ye Wenming sent out on the Internet and knew what ye Wenming looked like.

Originally, she thought that ye Wenming must disdain such a disabled child.

But at this moment, ye Wenming is really appeared in front of her, or a pair of to Zhuo qianyun appearance.

What kind of background Ye Wenming is, someone on the Internet has already made it clear.

Although some people jokingly call ye Wenming the "green hat king" because of Kong Ziyin's business, who dares to say this in front of him?!

What's more, in the recent news, ye Wenming himself reported the case, saying that there were a series of other crimes such as fraud in the Kong family, and there were also detailed evidence, so that the police directly detained the three members of the Kong family.

Therefore, ye Wenming on the Internet, also known as ruthless!

Even the former fiancee, can be so cruel to start, let alone a stranger!

The woman's face became very ugly, and the color of fear flashed.

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