Think of ripple now cheer up, Ling is still sad in the heart, but more is proud, proud to have such a strong friend, she knows, ripple will not be easily defeated!

Even though she broke up with Bai Tingxin, Lianyi didn't abandon herself. Instead, she chose to cooperate with the treatment and recover well. She even jokingly said to her, "it's just breaking up. What a big thing it is. It's only a few people who can get married once they fall in love. At most, I follow the crowd. Maybe when I get out of hospital, my destiny will come to me! "

Ripple's optimistic and cheerful, let Ling still believe that in the future, ripple will be happy!

"That's good." Zhuo qianyun also relieved, "still, you and ripple, don't like me."

For her, there will be no more love in her later life.

The two people in the conversation did not notice that the door of the ward was not closed tightly at the moment, and there was a shadow flickering outside the crack of the door.


Ling and Yi Jinli return to the Yi house. Ling is still about to go upstairs, but Yi Jinli pulls him into his arms.

"What's the matter?" She couldn't help but ask. The sudden embrace seemed strange.

On the way back today, he seldom spoke. He was dazed by her several times, but when she asked him what was the matter, he said it was OK.

"I just want to give you a hug." Yi Jin whispers from the bottom of her mind. Today, he accompanies Ye Wenming to Zhuo qianyun's ward. Through the crack of the door, he hears the conversation between her and Zhuo qianyun.

When Zhuo qianyun said that she couldn't accept another person who had hurt her, ye Wenming was tottering and wanted to put his fist into his mouth to suppress the choking voice.

At that moment, it was as if crying was becoming a luxury.

"Don't you hold it every day, haven't you?" Ling still said with a smile.

"Not enough." It may never be enough for him.

Ling still looked at the hands that gently encircled her raised abdomen... They were his hands, beautiful and clean, as if they were not stained with dust.

"Ah Jin, sister Zhuo and ye Wenming, I'm afraid it's really impossible." Ling said suddenly.

Yi Jin's body slightly stiff.

"I talked with sister Zhuo for a while today. Sister Zhuo said that she would not accept anyone who had hurt her. No matter how much she loved that person, she couldn't accept it. People's feelings will change. Even if they once loved again, this love will eventually be lost by time and hurt. "

Ling is still mumbling, today and Zhuo qianyun conversation, also let her have a kind of empathy.

Just like her, she once loved Xiao Ziqi. Even though she didn't love Xiao Ziqi so much that she could sacrifice everything for each other, it was her first love.

But later, after being hurt by Xiao Ziqi, that love, after all, disappeared!

Yi Jinli's breath seems to become a little short, and she hears Ling's voice saying, "I think, sister Zhuo's words are right. After all, I won't accept people who have hurt me."

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