In recent days, however, earth shaking changes have taken place outside. The Hao family's capital chain is broken and the bank's loan can not be returned. The bank applied to the court to freeze a series of Hao family's industries.

At the same time, it was revealed by the media that the police arrested Hao Yimeng at a fan memorial meeting.

Although Hao Yimeng quit the film and television industry, there are still many loyal fans. That day, Hao Yimeng attended the fans' meeting, dressed up, wore a 30 million necklace and invited some reporters.

Originally, Hao Yimeng wanted to go on a hot search by attending the fans' meeting to prove that there was no economic crisis in the Hao family and build up momentum for the Hao family. But the police came to the fans' meeting.

In other words, she was handcuffed by the police under the gaze of many fans, and the police also explained on the spot that Hao Yimeng was arrested as a murder suspect.

Now, those fans are completely stupid, murder? What kind of murder is it? Would their goddess Hao be a suspect in the murder?

Even if Hao Yimeng and Hao's family want to cover this up, they can't cover it up. After all, there are so many fans at the scene.

Then, this incident suddenly hit the top of the hot search list on the Internet, causing the fermentation of public opinion. Later, it was revealed on the Internet that Hao Yimeng's case was related to Hao Meiyu's car accident!

In other words, Hao Yimeng is the real murderer of Hao Meiyu's case!

When the news came out, the public opinion was in an uproar!

After all, when Hao Meiyu died, Hao Yimeng was sad, but there were photos and news. Moreover, Hao Yimeng missed her sister in various variety shows more than once, and wrote a little composition on the Internet every year.

It's a model of sisterhood!

Now it turns out to be the suspect who murdered Hao Meiyu?!

That also means that Hao Yimeng was playing with the masses as a fool before!

For a moment, although the police have not issued a specific notice, but the Internet has been overwhelming in scolding Hao Yimeng and Hao family!

Some people even went to the official micro of Xiao group to scold and swipe the screen.

At the moment, Xiao Ziqi looks at the content on his mobile phone, but his face is a kind of complex expression.

He never thought that Hao Meiyu's death was planned by dreams! Moreover, the police have already confirmed the evidence and admitted the confession of dream!

Unlike ordinary netizens who can only guess online, Xiao Ziqi went directly to the police station and met Hao Yimeng.

When he asked her why she had to do this and what hatred she had with her own sister, the woman he had loved said with a cold smile -

"who let her die so well! My parents devoted themselves to training her to become an heir. It is clear that my ability is not inferior to that of my elder sister, but they chose my elder sister! Moreover, at the beginning, my sister became Yi Jinli's fiancee! All the glory falls on my sister. Who has ever noticed me

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