Yi Jinli almost runs to the outside of the consulting room, and orders Ling's bodyguard Huang Qian and his substitute doctor to return to the consulting room. After all, the doctor who wants to diagnose Ling has already been confused by Gu lichen.

"Yi ye, are you all right?" Gao Congming asked, after all, at this moment, Yi Ye's face is really ugly.

"Nothing." Yi Jinli almost gasped for breath with difficulty. I didn't expect that today, he was still afraid, afraid that she really said she regretted, afraid that even if she didn't have the idea of divorce, afraid that she didn't love him deeply enough...

originally, he was afraid of so many things!

"Did Secretary Wang find it?" Yi Jin raised her hand, wiped the thin sweat on her forehead, and then asked Gao Congming.

"Not yet." Gao Congming said that since the old man's funeral, the Secretary Wang who had been with him had disappeared. Even though he had sent more people to look for Secretary Wang these days, he still hasn't found him.

"Keep looking, as long as he doesn't leave the deep city, then dig three feet and find him for me!" Yi Jin left the way. There is a haze between the eyebrows.

Secretary Wang, who has always been with his grandfather, is his backhand. I'm afraid he didn't just email the truth of the incident to Gu lichen. There should be something else.

Otherwise, Secretary Wang doesn't have to go missing.

"Yes Gao Congming answered quickly.

"We should increase the security system of E-House, especially the people around us." Yi Jin left the way.

If my grandfather really had something to tell Secretary Wang before he died, I'm afraid that what the old man wants to get rid of most is still.

In any case, he has to protect it!

After coming out of the hospital, Ling still didn't see Yi Jinli, just like when she came to the hospital today, Yi Jinli didn't appear in front of her.

Instead, Gao Congming came to her and said with a smile, "madam, Yi asked me to send you back to your house."

"I want to go to Lianyi's hospital first and have a look at Lianyi!" Ling still says that she hasn't been to see ripple for many days.

Gao Congming hesitated.

"Why, is my freedom to go anywhere restricted now? Or do you need to ask your superior for advice? " Ling still said.

Do you mean... Ah Jin is really afraid that she will leave, so she plans to completely limit her actions?

Gao Congming quickly embarrassed smile, and then said, "Madam want to see Miss Qin Lianyi, of course, no problem." With that, Gao Congming turned his head and ordered him to go down.

After Ling still got on the bus, he found that his car was still followed by several cars. If people didn't know, they would think it was a big man.

"I don't need so many people to follow me." Ling still can't help the tunnel.

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