Ling still eased his mood and said to Hao Yimeng, "if you let me go, we'll forget everything before. I can also let ah Jin let you go, and let ah Jin help you hao family through this crisis."

Now, what she has to do is to make Hao Yimeng feel excited for these conditions as much as possible, so as to produce hesitation. Only in this way can she strive for more escape conditions for herself.

But no matter how good conditions Ling still offers, Hao Yimeng doesn't care at all, "Ling still, I just want to know if Yi Jinli can give up this life for you! When my sister died, this man didn't shed a tear! Don't you want to know how much he can do for you? "

When Hao Yimeng said this, his eyes also burst out a touch of hatred.

She still hates Ling! Why did she, the second miss of the Hao family, become like this because Ling was still such a mole ant!

At that time, she snatched Xiao Ziqi from Ling still. She thought Xiao Ziqi would love her very much. As a result, Xiao Ziqi abandoned her just like Ling still did!

She is Hao Yimeng, the goddess in the hearts of thousands of men! How could she even be worse than Ling! Yi Jin left for a while, and she would certainly abandon Ling as an abandoned son. She would!

What's more, as long as she does what the man surnamed Wang tells her to do, the reward she gets after the event will be enough for her to go abroad and live a carefree life!

Just then, several black cars drove here in succession.

Ling still only saw a lot of people coming down from the car, and Yi Jinli was among them.

At the moment, Yi Jinli also saw Ling still, and when Ling was still in the state of the car, her face turned white, and immediately rushed towards her.

"Don't come here. There are bombs around the car. It will explode!" Ling still hurriedly shouts a way, stopping Yi Jin to leave to run to come over.

Yi Jin from the pace, suddenly stopped, and those who follow him, naturally also stopped.

Ling is still temporarily relieved, looking at the people standing in her more than ten meters away.

I didn't expect that it was just a few hours later, but it was like this.

She should be glad that the window of the car did not rise, so her voice could still be heard.

"Still, don't be afraid. I'll get you out of here." Yi Jin leaves the way of a pale complexion, the hand that hangs down in the side of the body, also in tiny tremble, at this moment, compare with Ling still oneself, he seems to be more afraid.

Ling is still in the heart of certain, she believes, he will be able to save her out, she and the children, will be safe!

"Hao Yimeng brought me here! Now my hand is tied to the steering wheel and handbrake, and I can't move. Hao Yimeng is talking to me on the phone and video... "Ling still quickly tells Yi Jinli about her current situation.

Ling can still feel that Hao Yimeng is a little abnormal now. It's obviously impossible to persuade Hao Yimeng to release the bomb and let her go through the video phone.

Yi Jin frowned from her brow and suddenly pulled over Secretary Wang, who was taken off by the bodyguard. "Hao Yimeng, you arranged it?"

Secretary Wang said with a smile, "yes, you and Ling still make her miserable. Of course, she wants to revenge on you."

Yi Jin from pondered for a while, ordered his subordinates, "call the police, let the explosion-proof experts over there come."

"It's no use. It's too late." Secretary Wang said with a smile, "when the experts come, the bombs around the car have already exploded. Of course, if you don't want Ling to be killed or fall into the sea, you can also choose to save her life. "

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