"You --" just before Gu lichen's words came out, ye Chongwei, who had rushed to him, quickly held him, and then said to Yi Jinli, "Jinli, lichen, he had drunk too much just now. He's a bit of nonsense. Don't care."

With that, ye Chongwei hastened to pull Gu lichen away.

Gu lichen now where willing to leave, to ye Chongwei way, "you let go, some words, I want to ask a clear."

"Ouch, it's rare for you to go back to Shencheng. Why do you care about it! Why don't I take you to some new and interesting places in Shencheng later? " Ye Chongwei is busy.

"Chongwei, let him go first. Since he wants to ask clearly, let him say hello." Yi Jin leaves to suddenly open a way.

Oh, my God! Don't let them fight here! With a sigh in his heart, ye Chongwei could only let go of Gu lichen.

Gu lichen stares at Yi Jinli, who looks like a smile in front of him. He feels more and more that he feels strange to him.

Maybe five years is easy to make people feel strange.

Especially these years, he is almost deliberately avoiding the meeting with Jin Li, afraid to see, will think of still more things!

"Are you still in love?" Gu lichen hesitated and asked.

"No love." Yi Jinli's voice simply replied, and then leisurely said, "well, this answer, are you satisfied?"

For a moment, Gu lichen didn't know what to say. When the other side said "do not love" two words, that pair of peach blossom eyes is still so calm and deep, as if the pan can not afford a wave.

Jinli is true - no longer love Ling?

Gu lichen was as stunned as a piece of wood. What's the matter? What happened to Jinli?

When Yi Jinli comes out of the party, Gao Congming respectfully opens the door and follows Yi Jinli on the bus.

Today's banquet, because he had something to do, he didn't follow Yiye. However, looking at Yiye's look, it seems that today's banquet is not very pleasant!

Gao Congming was worried and sat in the front row, wondering whether there was another celebrity pestering his boss at today's banquet? But I heard a sentence -

"by the way, how much did I love Ling at the beginning?"

"Cough!" Gao Congming was almost choked to death by his saliva. He never thought that the boss would suddenly say such a sentence.

"Er... This... Today, who mentioned... Madam in front of you?" Gao Congming asked cautiously, observing Yi Ye's expression at the moment through the rear-view mirror in the car.

Just at this moment, Yi Jin sits in the back seat with a long eyebrow and half drooping eyes, just like the usual look, but people can't see what he is thinking at the moment.

"Today I met Li Chen. It seems that I don't love Ling. It's a very incredible thing." Yi Jinli is careless.

It is - it's incredible! Gao Congming thought to himself that in those days, if they were not really afraid that Yi ye would be crazy, how could they let Secretary Wang treat Yi ye...

but now, although Yi Ye has survived, he has forgotten his love for Ling.

In Gao Congming's opinion, Yi Ye seems to be back to the state before he and Ling still know each other, as if no one loves him, and no one can get into his heart... Oh, no, there is one exception.

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