"No, your daddy didn't come to us. There must be a reason." Ling still said, "at that time, daddy will like it when he sees you."

And ah Jin didn't find her reason... Because she thought she was dead.

She has found relevant news on the Internet. On the Internet, her identity is Yi Jinli's "dead wife".

When the high-speed railway arrives in Shencheng, Ling still leads her daughter off the high-speed railway. When she comes to the exit, she sees a familiar figure standing at the exit, waiting anxiously.

That's... Ripple!

Ling's eyes are still red all of a sudden. In recent years, she has forgotten ripple. It's not easy. When her memory is restored recently, she has contacted ripple again.

Ling still remembers that when she called Lianyi and contacted her, she couldn't believe it at all. Later, they had a video call, and she was sure that she was still alive.

"Ripples!" At the moment, Ling still opens his mouth and shouts. After hearing the cry, Qin Lianyi turns her head and looks in Ling's direction. Suddenly, her eyes are red.

When Ling still leads her daughter's hand to Qin Lianyi, Qin Lianyi is already in tears.

"You're really... Alive. I knew you didn't die so easily! I knew it Qin Lianyi hugs Ling hard and cries.

Ling still hugged his friend, eyes are red, "sorry, these years, let you worry."

"By the way, this is Xiaojin!" Qin Lianyi choked for a while and looked at the little girl beside Ling. She looked like she was still, but she had a trace of Yi Jin.

Although Qin Lianyi had seen the little guy in the video before, it was not until now that she really met him.

"Good godmother!" The small brocade uses the small milk sound way, the soft glutinous sound, simply let the soft to the heart.

Qin Lianyi squatted down and raised her hand to touch the little guy's tender cheek. It's so good that... The child who is still alive is more than one.

"This is not a place to talk. Let's get out of here first." Ling still said.

Qin Lianyi suddenly regained her mind and said in a voice, "yes, yes, let's change a place to talk." God knows, she has too much to say, before the video chat, there are a lot of words did not say it!

Three people out of the railway station, Qin Lianyi driving car, carrying Ling mother and daughter first came to a children's restaurant, ordered food.

"By the way, what's the full name of Xiaojin?" Qin Lianyi asked, before the video call, she knew that her daughter is still Xiaojin.

When she first heard the name, she was stunned. She didn't expect that she would still name the child, and even use the pronunciation of "Jin".

Yi Jinli, a Jin, Xiao Jin.

Even if I lost my memory, I still instinctively feel the sound of "Jin".

"Ling Xiaojin."

"Yi Qianjin."

Mother and daughter said in one voice, immediately, Ling still looked at her daughter, "didn't Mommy say that? You're going to change your name. It should be Yi Qianjin. "

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