"I know. I read the news online." Ling still way, micro bit a lip way, "if a Jin really has put feelings on that person, no feelings for me, then I will not entangle, but... If a Jin heart love that person, or me, then I will not leave him!"

After all, everyone thought she was dead before. If ah Jin really fell in love with others, it's understandable. Even if she remarried, it's reasonable and natural.

Just, inexplicably, she felt that her ah Jin, must also be like her, a heart, will not be moved by others.

In the past few years of amnesia, she has not met some excellent men, some of whom have a good impression on her, but she never has the feeling of heart.

Until the memory slowly revived, she realized that her heart had already been given to a man named Yi Jinli, so there was no other heart, and she could give it to others.

"By the way, do you have an object now?" Ling still changed the topic to ask a way.

"Me? Not yet. The elder leftover girl was driven to death by my mother. " Qin Lianyi shrugged and laughed, a trace of bitterness flashed in the corner of her lips.

In recent years, although she didn't deliberately want to remember Bai Tingxin, that man always flashed through her mind from time to time. Maybe she was so happy when she was in contact with Bai Tingxin that no matter what kind of man she saw, she didn't feel like falling in love. Blind date also failed many times!

"Haven't you put it down yet?" Ling is still looking at his friend with heartache.

"Try to put it down." Qin Lianyi said with a smile, "if you really can't let go, it's not so terrible to be an old aunt all your life. Anyway, it's enough to have you two children to support me in the future."

When it comes to this, Qin Lianyi suddenly stops and looks at Ling with some apology.

Ling's face is still gloomy.

Two children... At the beginning, she was pregnant with triplets, but in the end, Yi Jin left here is a child, and her side, is also a child, so... There is another child?

There is another child. Where is it? Is Yi's secret hidden? Or...

just at this moment, Yi Qianjin's side suddenly gives a cry of surprise, Ling is still a Lin, only to see that her daughter is fighting with another little girl.

"Xiaojin!" Ling still hurriedly forward, want to pull away her daughter, just haven't wait for her to come near, another woman, but has already walked to two little girls, raised her hand to push away the small brocade rudely.

The little guy's little body didn't stand firm, and suddenly he fell down. Fortunately, the cushion under him was not a big problem.

Ling still ran to her daughter's side and helped her up.

And Qin Lianyi followed closely, worried and said, "is it OK?"

The little guy shook his head, but there was a layer of moisture in his apricot eyes, "Mommy, daddy's photo is broken, she robbed daddy's photo."

Ling still found out that in her daughter's hand, she was holding half a picture of Yi Jinli who bought it at a high price!

And grab photos... She looked across, it's really a coincidence, it's just ripples mentioned to her Su's mother and daughter.

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