Yi Qianjin had heard from her maid aunt that her father was in the study, so she asked which room was the study, and ran into the study. Before, she had a lot to say, but she didn't say it to her father!

"Who let you in?" Yi Jin frowned unhappily, breaking the silence of the study. He likes to think about things in the study, so he never likes to be disturbed.

In particular, what he is thinking about now is still about Ling still, and the glutinous rice ball like face in front of him is just like Ling still, which makes him feel irritable.

But he couldn't tell what he was upset about.

"I came in myself." The little guy raised his chin and said, "I want to have a good look at daddy. Besides, daddy also wants to have a good look at me. In the future, I will be daddy's baby too. Don't admit my baby wrong!"

Like her, she recognized Daddy at a glance, but she didn't admit it wrong! Thinking of this, the little guy was proud of himself again.

"Who asked you to call me daddy?" Yi Jin left Lengleng tunnel.

The little guy blinked his apricot eyes, which were still similar to Ling's, "Mommy asked me to shout. Mommy said that you are my daddy, and you can show me your photos. It's a pity that the photos are broken, but Mommy said that when I see daddy, I can take some photos for daddy. By the way, daddy, my name is Yi Qianjin, but I prefer the name of Ling Xiaojin , can I use the name of Ling Xiaojin in the kindergarten in the future...

the little guy is still talking about it, and by the way, he also introduces her preferences, colors, food and stories.

Yi Jin has a big feeling from the moment.

If this little girl is really her own daughter, then compared with her son, her daughter is obviously a talker.

And... Taking pictures?!

He has never liked to take photos, Ling is still this woman, even so casually promise!

However, in knowing her daughter's name, she even had a pronunciation of "Jin". Yi Jinli's heart flashed the same feeling.

"Daddy, hug!" The little guy raised his two little arms and seemed to ask him to hold them for granted.

Yi Jin tightly pursed her thin lips and didn't move. Even Qian Mo didn't hold her since she went to kindergarten.

And now, the little girl who just met today asked him to hold her?!

Father and daughter looked at each other in this way, the little guy opened his crystal apricot eyes, two small arms seemed to be a little sour, "don't Daddy like me?" That pair of apricot eyes, began to dye a layer of moisture.

Yi Jin centrifugal head seems to suddenly pull, the body is almost reflexive to embrace the little guy.

Yi Qianjin's small face suddenly showed a smile, the water gas in his eyes also faded, and his two small arms were even more active in embracing Yi Jinli's neck.

Well, Mommy is right. Daddy really likes her!

Yi Jinli didn't react until now. She picked up the little guy.

The soft little body was about the same height as Qian Mo, but it was quite different from holding his son. Especially the two little arms were close to his shoulders and neck, and the little body was close to him, with an indescribable intimacy.

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