He seems a little uncomfortable, don't open the head, straight body, "don't have to." With that, Yi Jinli took her son's hand and walked out of the house.

Ling is still in a daze. What does "not have to" mean? Does that mean she can still do it? He... Didn't like her touching his head?

Does that mean that he has feelings for her? Do you like her?

Maybe it's not as hard for him to fall in love with her again as she imagined.

Why are you here today Ye Chongwei looks at Gu lichen with a smile.

"It's just empty, so I'll pass the time." Gu lichen said, "maybe in a few days, I will leave Shencheng again."

"Leaving again?" Ye Chongwei a Leng, "you just come back a few days."

"There is a new overseas project. If someone wants to take charge of the overall situation, I plan to go there." Gu lichen said.

"Can your old man agree?"

"What if I don't agree? I'll go if I want."

Ye Chongwei hesitated and said, "lichen, you don't want to stay in Shencheng. Is it because of Ling?"

Gu lichen's face suddenly sank down, Ling is still the name, just to hear, for him, is a kind of suffocating pain.

"If you don't want to stay in Shencheng because you think Ling is still dead, it's unnecessary." Ye Chongwei said, "Ling is still alive. She has returned to Yi's home."

Anyway, even if he doesn't say it, Li Chen will know it in a few days. After all, the hostess of the Yi family returns to Shencheng, and it has spread in the upper class circle.

However, he guessed that lichen should not know, otherwise he would not say that he would leave Shencheng.

Sure enough, when ye Chongwei said this, Gu lichen was shocked. The eyes of the Phoenix suddenly widened and looked at ye Chongwei in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"

His voice is shaking, and his body is shaking.

"I said that Ling still went back to Yi's home, just a few days ago." Ye Chongwei advised, "in fact, even if Jinli has lost her memory, Ling is still Jinli's right wife. Besides, according to the degree that Jinli still loves Ling before, Ling will accept Jinli again soon. I see you, let's put that woman down completely..."

but his words are not finished, Gu Li I have rushed out of Ye Chongwei's office.

Ye Chongwei looked at the empty chair and couldn't help sighing.

In five years, Li Chen really didn't put Ling down. Ling is still back from the dead this time. I don't know what kind of storm will set off in Shenzhen.

"It's just a woman." He muttered, and he didn't see how pretty Ling still looked, but it happened that Jinli and lichen both loved this woman to death.

At this moment, ye Chongwei was glad that he had never loved a person so much.

Gu lichen drove all the way to yizhai.

Still, still alive, she's still alive! She's not dead!

Want to see her, want to see her alive in front of him.

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