What's more, she doesn't know this uncle. Why is he happy to see her?

Gu lichen gently stroked the little guy's head, and then straightened up again. His dark Phoenix eyes were still burning at Ling, "you're still alive, but why don't you even have any news in these five years? Do you know how painful it was when I thought you were dead and I saw the Yi family hold a funeral for you? "

Even he went to the beach where she fell into the sea. He thought about jumping down like that and accompanying her!

"I'm sorry." Ling still said, "let you worry."

Gu lichen's Adam's apple rolled for a moment. Looking at Ling's eyes, it was already red at the moment, "you're alive, you're alive..."

he said, subconsciously want to raise his hand, want to touch her, want to make sure that she is alive, not his illusion and imagination.

But before his hand touched her, she turned slightly to avoid his hand.

His look slightly move, see clearly that rejection in her eyes, immediately feel full of bitterness, "is it because of Jinli?"

"Yes." She did not hesitate to reply, "I am a Jin's wife, he is also my favorite person."

Gu lichen suddenly began to laugh, only a little sad, "five years, five years you have no news, or even come back, do you really love him? If you love him, why don't you come back early? "

Ling still took a deep breath, "I have my reasons, but no matter how many years have passed, I love him and will come back to him. Lichen, five years, you should not continue to put time on me. It's not worth it or necessary. "

has passed through a pain in his eyes. "It's not worth it. It's not your has the final say. It's not necessary. I know it better than anyone else."

Ling still knows that the man in front of him is always persistent. Otherwise, he would not have been looking for her for so many years because of a promise he made when he was a child.

"Even if I persist in this way, there will be no change. I love ah Jin only." Ling still finish saying this, take the hand of the daughter, plan to bypass Gu lichen.

Gu lichen stood in the same place, she loves, just... Jinli?

Then she can know, he loves, also only she!

Gu lichen suddenly rushed up and grabbed Ling's other arm to stop her from leaving. "Do you love him? Do you know if he loves you? You know, he said in front of me that he didn't love you at all

Ling's face changed slightly and subconsciously covered her daughter's ears. She didn't want her children to hear these words, "Gu lichen, stop talking. No matter what you say, my answer will not change..."

"still, he doesn't love you. Even if you come back now, do you think he will still have the previous feelings for you? If I didn't misunderstand you at that time, if I didn't push you to him like that, then you wouldn't fall into the sea and disappear for five years...

GU lichen's voice choked more and more, and his eyes fixed on the people in front of him, "do you know how much I miss you? Do you know how I got here all these years? Since he doesn't love you, why do you still have to stay with him? Is it just because of the child...

"don't talk about it any more, i...

before Ling finished his words, a voice suddenly raised," lichen, when is it your turn to intervene in my family affairs? "

Ling is still a body suddenly stiff, turned his head, looked toward the direction of the voice.

See a black Bentley car, I do not know when to stop next to, and Yi Jin is standing in front of the car, eyes coldly toward them.

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