Qin Lianyi took her mobile phone and went to the corridor outside the office. Then she said to her mother, "Mom, I'll find someone myself. Don't worry about it. Don't always find someone for me to go on a blind date. There are so many of them."

"How many do you know! It's been a few years. You're not 28 now, you're 33 now. Before long, you'll be an old woman. This woman is 35 years old, but it's hard to find a partner! " Qin's mother is very sincere.

Qin Lianyi's eyes darkened. She knew her mother's worries and anxieties. They were afraid that after a hundred years, she would be left alone without care. They were also afraid that she would delay again and again, miss a woman's childbearing age, and finally have no children.

Though, she didn't feel that she couldn't live alone.

A person, in fact, can live a good life, big deal, after the old, just find a nursing home.

But she doesn't want her parents to worry about her any more. They've done enough for her.

"Well, well, I know. You give me the contact information of that man. I'll contact him later. I'll see you tonight. It's OK." Qin Lianyi said.

Hearing this, Qin's mother finished the call with satisfaction.

After a while, Qin Lianyi received the mobile phone number and personal information from her mother on wechat.

Qin Lianyi sighed. Maybe as her mother said, she is 33 years old, not 28 years old. Now she is not young.

In five years, she should have put Bai Tingxin down.

Suddenly, there was a voice in her heart asking herself - did she really put it down?

Putting away her mobile phone, Qin Lianyi walked towards the office. Just as she passed the office of Datong, a colleague stopped her and said, "Lianyi, your ex boyfriend is in Shenzhen now!"

This cry was heard by all the people in the Da Tong room. Suddenly, many people's eyes looked to this side.

Qin Lianyi looks at each other. It's Zhao Ruyou. She is also an old employee in the Institute. When she was in contact with Bai Tingxin, she was in the Institute.

At that time, Zhao Ruyou was very sarcastic to her.

However, at this moment, Qin Lianyi was stunned by the other party's "ex boyfriend is now in Shenzhen".

Many old employees know that her ex boyfriend is only one, that is Bai Tingxin!

Is he coming to Shencheng?

As if to solve her doubts, at the moment, a new employee curiously asked Zhao Ruyou, "sister Zhao, who is sister Qin's ex boyfriend? Is it famous? "

"Well, the chairman of Baifeng group is famous enough." Zhao Ruyou talks and laughs, but his eyes flash with pride and contempt for Qin Lianyi.

Even in those days, Qin Lianyi and Bai Tingxin had a relationship, but they were not dumped in the end!

Now she's not as good as her. She married a man with good family conditions. Now she's living much better than Qin Lianyi!

As soon as Zhao Ruyou said Bai Tingxin's name, many people in the office who had only come to the Institute in the past five years were surprised.

Qin Lianyi and the chairman of Baifeng group... Are they former girlfriends and girlfriends?

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