When the car arrived at the gate of Qin Lianyi's residential area, Qin Lianyi lowered her head, untied her seat belt, and said thank you in a low voice. Just as she was about to open the door, Bai Tingxin's voice suddenly sounded -

"are you going to associate with that man?"

Qin Lianyi was stunned for a long time before he realized that "the man" in his words should refer to Bai Yulai.

"He's very good. He has an economic foundation. He shares the same language with me. Moreover, he looks good. If he can look up to me, he will have a good relationship." Qin Lianyi said.

"That's all you have to do with him? So you have a crush on him? " He said, glaring at her.

She suddenly had a funny feeling, "why not? A man like him is what many women want to marry

"Qin Lianyi!" The volume of his voice rose, and there seemed to be a faint anger in his tone.

She was puzzled. What was he angry about? Angry, did she fall in love with another man?

But at the beginning, it was he who didn't want her, and he had a girlfriend himself?

"Bai Tingxin, I don't know why you appeared in front of me, by chance? Or did you come to me on purpose? But anyway, I have nothing to do with you. As I said before, I will not destroy the relationship between you and your girlfriend. "

After a meal, she said, "in fact, even if you break up, I hope you can live well and be happy." After all, the man in front of her is the man she really loved.

They break up, just three different, just she can't give him career help, just... For love, what he wants more is career success.

Qin Lianyi said, stretched out her hand, and wanted to shake hands with Bai Tingxin to say goodbye, "so... Goodbye."

But he didn't reach out to hold her hand, and his eyes were still fixed on him.

She suddenly seems to think of something like, self mocking smile, "you hate me to touch you, that's it, I hope not to see you again."

Because meeting again will only disturb her heart more.

Qin Lianyi opened the door. Before she got out of the car, her hand was firmly held by Bai Tingxin.

He held it so tightly that her finger bones were in pain, and his face seemed more and more pale at the moment, "Qin Lianyi, I have never hated you. Anyway, as long as you are alive, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me and I will help you."

And after he said that, he suddenly released her hand.

The door closed and the car drove away. Qin Lianyi stood in the same place, looking at the direction of the car's departure, and then looked at the hand he had just been holding, feeling confused.

What does Bai Tingxin mean when he says these words to her?

"Bai Tingxin, we have broken up." She murmured to herself, but admonished herself. Now that she has broken up, there should be no more entanglement, otherwise she will only be trapped in it and it will be more and more difficult to get out.

On Saturday, Qin Lianyi and Ling still met.

"Why didn't the two little ones come out?" Qin Lianyi said that she originally wanted to see two little guys.

"When I talked to you on the phone before, I felt like you had some trouble. I didn't bring out the two small ones. If you want to see them, I'll bring them out next time to meet you enough." Ling still said.

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