Yi Jin from that pair of dark eyes, at the moment seems to have a smile, gently pulled her hand, said, "don't be interested in other men, you this life, can be interested in men, only me!"

Ling is still slightly in a trance, his overbearing, still as before.

In the past, he did not like her close to other men, and would bully her to only look at him and think about him... Now, it's not a sweet thing.

Suddenly, Ling still has a little pain in her earlobe. She suddenly returns to her senses and finds that Yi Jinli's teeth are nibbling her earlobe.

Her body trembled, only feel the whole body of blood, as if in an instant toward the ears.

"Ah Jin, don't make any noise..." she trembled slightly and raised her hand subconsciously, trying to cover her ears.

But before her hand touched her ear, she was pressed down by his hand. He changed from nibbling to sucking / sucking and kissing, "I didn't make any noise..."

he whispered, as if he was tasting the most delicious food.

Her face became more and more red. "Well, I spent a lot of money in the dress shop today. It doesn't matter..."

she said quickly, trying to stop him and distract herself.

If it goes on like this again...

"since I gave you the card, it doesn't matter how much money you swipe. You already have half of the wealth of the Yi family." He said.

"Aren't you afraid I'm only after your money?" She joked.

"Are you?" He asked in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on her.

The original ambiguity in the air, suddenly like stepping on the brakes like, stagnation into quiet.

His eyes, as if to see through her.

Ling still suddenly feel throat as if some dry dumb, "is not." This is the answer she gave him.

He gently smile, "I know you are not, if you are, then at the beginning between us, there will not be so many twists and turns." After a meal, he played with her fingers and said, "listen to Cong Ming, you met Su Wenting in the dress shop today. Is she angry with you?"

"She's mad at ripple." Ling still said, "but in the end, I should be angry with her."

"You don't have to care about her, just treat her as an idle person in the Yi family. If you feel that she annoys you, I'll tell you to go down and let her stop appearing in front of you."

"Whether she appears in front of me is not the point. The key is that she appears in front of you." Ling is still direct way, "you don't say you can't see, she wants to borrow her daughter, to hit your idea."

"I'm not interested in her. She's just wanna's mother. At the beginning, the Yi family promised that they would raise wanna until she became a child, and that they would not separate their mother and daughter." Yi Jin left the way.

He doesn't know what Su Wenting is delusional about, but for him, it's just like watching a clown's performance. The other party can't affect him at all, so he naturally doesn't want to deal with it.

"But don't you think you are giving her some kind of hope? Let her feel that she has the possibility to achieve the goal. " Ling still said.

"So what do you want me to do? To disfigure her directly? Or would she have to lie in the hospital for the rest of her life? To make her think no more? " Yi Jin left the way.

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