"Good." Yi Jin should be away from, ran past Ling still, just before leaving, his eyes if have no ground to glance at a white Tingxin.

Bai Tingxin's face at the moment, filled with a kind of boundless pain, even with incomparable despair!

As if even if alive, but also just a body.

Yi Jinli's heart suddenly jumps, and her step is also a meal. Some broken pictures flash in her mind, but the pictures flash too fast. He can't even say what those pictures are.

"What's the matter? Ah Jin Ling still turns his head and looks at Yi Jinli who stops.

"Nothing." His eyelashes quivered a little and he stepped up again and left the party with her.

After getting on the car, Yi Jin leans back on the back of the chair, takes a breath and closes her eyes.

"Tired?" The soft female voice rang out in his ear.

"A little bit."

"Take a nap first. It will take more than half an hour to drive here to Yi's house." Ling still said.

Yi Jinli tries to relax herself, but somehow, her heart beats faster and faster. In his mind, the despairing look on Bai Tingxin's face that he saw just now flashed.

As if he himself had been so desperate.

When is it? When did he despair like this?!

Suddenly, it seemed that there was a picture in his mind again. Only this time, he saw clearly. What he saw was himself, holding an urn, wailing in pain.

The voice was so desperate and sad that it seemed that he didn't want to live at all, but he was forced to continue to live.

"Why didn't I die, why? Obviously I'm sorry for you, obviously the damned one is myself! " In that picture, he is crying constantly, so embarrassed.

Why... Why did he say that... Was this what happened when he mistakenly thought he was still dead?

He thought she was dead, that's why he was so desperate?

Head... It hurts!

Pain is almost like to explode like, a groan / groan, overflow from the mouth of Yi Jinli, suddenly, he just felt like he was trapped in a dark, the suffocating despair in his body constantly filled.

"Don't... don't... why..." there was a broken groan in his mouth.

How to get out of this desperate darkness!

Suddenly, a voice rang out in his ear -

"ah Jin, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong? Can you hear me? Open your eyes

The voice, constantly shouting, as if to pull him out of despair a little bit.

Then he felt her fingers rubbing on his forehead, relieving his pain.

Pain, in a little bit of fade, Yi Jinli slowly opened his eyes, that beautiful and quiet face, instant printed into his eyes.

Her face, now full of anxiety, "is the head pain? Do you want to go to the hospital? Or shall I ask Guan Bo to contact the last doctor Fang for a quick visit to yizhai? "

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