"If it was her, she would not cry."

She heard him drop such a sentence as if he had not.

When the fear reached a certain level, she couldn't help shouting, "who is it? Who is she?! Gu lichen, what you love is only that 'she', but you will never get 'her' in your whole life. You will be dismissive of other people's feelings. Then sooner or later, 'she' will also be dismissive of your feelings! "

Gu lichen abruptly stops, turns around, and Feng Mou stares at Zhong Rongrong. At that moment, in his indifferent Feng Mou, it's a kind of deep Yin cold. It's just one eye. Then he says nothing and turns away.

Zhong Rongrong suddenly collapsed on the ground.

Just now, Gu lichen's eyes were almost like killing her.

She knew that she was completely finished!

Ling still walked out of the restaurant and was blown by the cold wind outside, but she felt better about the hot feeling on her face.

Tonight, it's like a farce.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang. It was the relatives of my mother's hometown who called. When the other side spoke, that is to say, grandma is now in hospital.

"Still, your uncle, second uncle and third aunt, as well as your eldest cousin, second cousin and first cousin are all detained. I'm afraid they will have to go to jail for many years when they listen to the police. When you say that your grandmother is really in case, she doesn't even have a dead child!"

The other side of the garrulous say, nothing more than to Ling still go to the police station there to dismiss the case, and then let the police station to let people go.

"Even if you think about your grandmother, you should let them all out!" Finally, the relative said, "besides, no matter what, we are still relatives. We can't do anything too well!"

Ling still thinks it's funny. This relative, why don't they say that their uncle has done too much?

Now, the only family she admits is grandma.

After the end of the call, Ling still directly called a car and reported the address of the small county.

"Miss, you're going there. It's so late. You'll get 300 yuan!" Driver's lane.

"I know. You drive." Ling still said that no matter how much money it would cost, she would go to the hospital and see grandma with her own eyes.

But when Ling still arrived at the hospital, he saw grandma lying on the bed with a tube in her body. Suddenly her nose was sour. The grandmother, who was willing to support her, was so weak at the moment. Her wrinkled face seemed to show a kind of ashes, as if life would end at any time.

Grandma, never said that the body has found this level.

"What else do you come to do? It's you. You've done your mother such a disservice!" As soon as my aunt saw her, she scolded excitedly. She looked like she would like to rush up and tear her.

The second aunt hurriedly took the eldest aunt and begged Ling, "still, you... You've got a big acquaintance. Why don't you tell us about it? Otherwise, it won't happen. We married you to the Feng family for your own good. We want to make you reliable for life!"

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