OK! Confirmation is complete.

Qin Lianyi said, "it's Mr. Zhang Guangtian. Hello, I'm Qin Lianyi."

"Hello." The other side looked at him and said.

"That... I want to say to you, I..." Qin Lianyi wanted to apologize to each other. After all, she didn't come out to meet each other sincerely today, just to deal with the old lady. In a moment, she can invite someone to have a meal, so that she can make ordinary friends with each other.

As a result, before she said anything, she was interrupted by the other party. "Let's have a look here first. I think there is a small park next to the supermarket. Let's go to the park."

Ga? Go to the park?

Qin Lianyi looks at the dark sky. Then he looks at the time. It's more than five o'clock in the afternoon. It's almost the time to eat. "Don't you have a meal first?"

Her remark is purely a kind reminder. After all, it's a crowded place. When it comes to dinner, many restaurants around must wait in line. If you wait for a visit to a small park to have dinner, it's just the first peak period of high school. It's estimated that you will wait a lot of time.

"I'm not hungry. Let's talk first." Zhang Guangtian.

Yes, let's talk about it first. So Qin Lianyi followed each other to the small park. Then, he experienced a kind of bombing like a storm in Qin Lianyi's eyes.

The other side's questions are all inclusive. From her age, family and occupation, she asked about her education background, then which university, high school, junior high school, primary school graduation... And so on. Finally, she asked about her primary school performance.

Qin Lianyi can't help sighing. Do we have to ask so many questions about dating now?

"Miss Qin, have you ever been in love before?" Zhang Guangtian asked again.

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I..."

but before she finished, Zhang Guangtian continued, "Miss Qin, I don't like my girlfriend's boyfriend who has been dating too much before, and I don't want her to have any rich experience in that field, so I hope you can tell me the truth, so that we can avoid any misunderstanding in the future."

Qin Lianyi's silly eyes, this... Is this guy too direct to meet for the first time? Even if she doesn't know much about dating, she can at least know that it's not a question to ask now.

And rich experience in that area... Er, what is it!

"This... I think we have misunderstood it now..." Qin Lianyi thinks that even if she is going to run for a blind date to find someone, she will never have any feelings for the present Mr. Zhang. At least it's not appropriate to look at them three times.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, planning what she would say next.

"Well, I'd like to hear what the misunderstanding between you and this gentleman is."

Qin Lianyi's hair suddenly bristles. The voice is... Bai Tingxin!

She suddenly turned around, and sure enough, a familiar figure came into her eyes, especially the beautiful face that made her look like a beautiful dog. She couldn't help but look at her face more, not who Bai Tingxin would be.

"Why are you here?" Qin Lianyi is stunned.

"So you think I'm not here, so you choose to be here with another man?" Asked Bai Tingxin.

Qin Lianyi only felt that there was a burst of thunder, which made her brain AChE.

It's rare to have a blind date, but Bai Tingxin saw it. Is it heaven that will kill her?

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