In the beginning, he took Ling Luoyin as a substitute for the little girl when he was a child, because her lips were like those of the girl he remembered.

But later, it seems that the purpose has changed gradually. Sometimes when you are upset, listen to Ling Luoyin and say something about Ling still, as if you can calm down.

Mingming, Ling is still not the little girl who saved him.

Maybe it's because Ling still looks like a little girl, so he wants to be treated specially. When he sees her, he can't help but want to get close.

But... That woman, since it's Jin Li's, then he doesn't have to tear his face for a woman to really leave Jin. After all... She's not the person he really wants to find.

When the car is driving across a road, Gu lichen's eyes are not aware of looking at the street, almost subconsciously looking at the people wearing the work clothes of sanitation workers on the road.

Ling is still in charge of cleaning this road!

But until car out of the this road, he did not see Ling still.

In the Dark Phoenix eyes, there is a touch of loss.

Is it her day off? Or is there something wrong with her, not going to work?

Even Gu lichen didn't realize that he had so many guesses because he didn't see a woman. Apart from the little girl in my memory, when did he think so much about a woman?

The car stopped at the red light. Just as Gu lichen was about to take back his sight, suddenly, a figure riding a battery car also stopped at the parking line attracted all his eyes.

Thin body, but riding a men's battery car, battery car trunk, there is a quite large outside box, the box also printed with the words "Yanyan restaurant".

Gu lichen was stunned, but before he could react, the red light turned green, and the wipe figure had already passed on the right side of the battery car.

"Follow that take away battery car!" Gu lichen immediately ordered the driver.

"But Mr. Gu, we are in the straight passage now. We can't turn around." The driver is busy. What's more, there are cars in front of him. Even if he wants to turn around to catch up, he can't push the car out.

Gu lichen chuckled for a moment. What's wrong with him? Just now, I was so impulsive that I asked the driver to follow me. It's just a woman. Is that necessary?

Even if she has more shadow of the little girl, he doesn't need to care too much. After all, she is the one Yi Jin wants, isn't she?

Thinking about this, Gu lichen took back his eyes, leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes slowly and said, "go back to the company."

And his hand, once again subconsciously pasted on his chest, the silver bracelet, which he hung on the platinum chain and wore on his body, at this moment, the bracelet pasted on his heart, as if it was constantly burning.

Once let go, will it be a lifetime to let go? When can he find the little girl who saved him?

If at that time, he didn't let go, how good it would be!

Once upon a time, finding her has become his obsession!

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