"Some half brothers and sisters." "There are more women in my father's family, so there are more children," he said

Qin's father and mother didn't expect to have such an answer. Suddenly, the scene was a bit awkward. Obviously, they didn't know how to continue this.

Qin Lianyi saw this and said, "Mom and Dad, it's all about the last generation. His mom and dad are his mom and dad. He's him!"

Bai Tingxin looks at Qin Lianyi by accident. There is a warm feeling in his eyes that he has never noticed.

It was Qin's father who took the lead in returning to God and joined in saying, "yes, it's all the work of the previous generation. Then... Ting Xin, what do you do now? "

"Mainly responsible for managing group companies." Baiting channel.

"Manage... Group companies?" Qin's father doubted that he had heard it wrong. "What company are you in charge of? You're only 29. "

In Qin's view, 29 years old, it's good to be an ordinary middle management.

As for this management group company... It's strange to hear that it's impossible.

"Baifeng group, I don't know if uncle has heard of it." Baiting channel.

For a small citizen like Qin Fu, he doesn't know the name of a famous shipping company, but he can look at the signs and tell the brands of the cars in the community.

Qin Fu could only smile awkwardly and said, "this... I haven't heard of it. Is it a new company?" After all, it's not uncommon for young people to start a new business these days.

Then, Qin Lianyi is more embarrassed than his father.

Bai Tingxin didn't say anything, just smiled.

After another chat, Qin Lianyi wanted to find an opportunity to take Bai Tingxin away, but Qin's father and mother kept Bai Tingxin for dinner.

"You said there was something else in the company today?" Qin Lianyi tries his best to give each other a wink.

"It's not a bad meal." Baiting channel.

"..." Qin Lianyi is speechless.

Does he mean to have this meal?

Qin Lianyi hurriedly said, "I'll take a walk with him and digest." Finish saying, hurriedly pull Bai Tingxin to leave.

Up to the elevator, Qin Lianyi was relieved. Today's meeting with parents is finally over.

"If I don't take you out, I think my parents will ask about your ancestors for 18 generations later." Qin Lianyi couldn't help but say, "in fact, my parents asked you what, you didn't have to answer too carefully before, just vaguely."

"You should hope your parents don't like me." He said abruptly, "in this case, why say that my parents are my parents and I am me?"

Qin Lianyi is stunned for a moment. She said this as if it was just a subconscious reaction.

"So... Don't you want your parents to hate me?" He asked.

His eyes, somehow, made her feel confused. "I just think the previous generation is the previous generation, you are you. I don't mean as much as you think."

She didn't start, trying to avoid his eyes.

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