"Don't you forget what happened to your father?" The old man plays the same old tune again.

"I have not forgotten, and I have said that I will not repeat my father's mistakes." Yi Jin leaves the way.

"In this case, you should drive Ling still that woman out of the Yi family now, and let her not appear in your life in the future!" Old man Yi is not very angry.

"I'm afraid it won't work." Yi Jin's eyes were heavy. When he heard the old man's words just now, his heart suddenly tightened, almost instinctively refusing the suggestion, even unwilling to think about it.

"You --" Yi Laozi choked and stared at his grandson.

"Grandpa, I will not repeat my father's mistakes, so I will put everything in my control. I will still be used to my existence, used to her no way to leave me He said with a low smile, but there was a warning in his eyes, "so, I hope you can do less in my affairs. If you do too much, I won't do anything to restrict your actions."

Old Yi's face suddenly turned red. He coughed several times, and finally stopped coughing. However, it was obviously angry, "are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm just reminding grandpa of you." Yi Jin said from staring at the old man, "if she really has something good or bad, then Grandpa, let's not let anyone go!"

Yi Laozi's turbid but still sharp eyes stared at his grandson, knowing that he was not joking.

"What's good about that woman? That's what makes you crazy? " It's something that Yi never understood.

Ling is still caught by others. In his opinion, such a woman is very common. She is different from his granddaughter-in-law in nature.

"Because she was the first woman to let me call her sister." Yi Jin laughs because she says that from now on, they can rely on each other.

It's this woman who makes him feel at home again many years later.

Every time she called her sister, it was as if they were really family.

And he wants to keep that feeling.

Yi Laozi looks at his grandson strangely, as if this sentence is too funny, just like his grandson's prevarication.

Yi Jin leaves a light sun, "Grandpa, you won't understand."

"One day, sooner or later, you will regret it!"

"Then Grandpa, you can live as many years as you can to see if I will regret that day." Yi Jin said with a smile.

"Good... Good!" Yi said angrily, "then I will wait to see the day you regret!"

In the afternoon, Ling came out of the small restaurant. Ling still went to his mother's grave with the meal he cooked in the morning and the Xiangzhu Yuanbao he bought yesterday.

When my mother died, my father did not buy a grave in the cemetery, but buried it in the grave of my father's friend village.

Because it's cheap.

At that time, it was only necessary to plug a few cigarettes into the village brigade and dredge up the relationship. It was much cheaper than buying a tomb in a cemetery.

Later, she also thought about choosing a good day in the future and moving a grave for her mother. After all, the present share is only made in a mountain near the village.

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