Song Yue was frightened. Yi Qianci could say so, which means he has checked it.

But when did he check it?

Damn it, Yi Qianci shouldn't know he Zixin is missing now. He should continue to wait for he Zixin to appear, and then wait until the moment of explosion to understand everything!

"I... I don't know what you mean by this. I called because she has been pestering me to withdraw the lawsuit. I just asked her not to harass me again, but I haven't seen her at all." Song Yue argued cunningly.

"Really? But why did you find her fingerprints in your house, and someone in your neighbors saw her enter your house yesterday?" Yi said modestly.

Song Yue's face immediately changed, fingerprints? He has cleaned and wiped everything in the house.

And neighbors. Which neighbor saw he Zixin?

Mingming originally thought it should be a foolproof thing, but now facing Yi Qianci's question, he was extremely guilty, as if everything had been seen through by the other party.

"I don't know why I have seen her fingerprints in the room," he Zixin said Song Yue could only deny it repeatedly.

Anyway, Yi Qianci has no evidence now. In a moment, as long as he finds a chance to escape, he can be safe!

"Do you think you can escape?" Yi Qianci seemed to guess his idea and said directly, "you sent me the text message last night with Zixin's mobile phone, right?"

Song Yue was suddenly stunned and stared at Yi Qianci in disbelief. "You -"

"The high school campus will be demolished tomorrow. There are many of our memories. Can you come with me to see the last campus? After all, there are too many feelings between us." Yi Qianci suddenly said such a sentence.

Song Yue's expression became more subtle. Of course, he knew that this was a sentence in his text message to Yi Qianci.

"If she really sent this message, she would never say 'we have too many emotions'." Yi said modestly, because he Zixin knew that after hypnosis, the so-called emotions were gone, and there was only that memory.

But Song Yu didn't know this. He sent this message more for the purpose of moving Yi Qianci to come here.

"So, let me ask you one last question, where is he Zixin?" Yi Qianci asked coldly.

"I don't know!" Song Yue insisted that he didn't know.

"Since you want me to come here so much, then... She should be here, right?" As Yi Qianci spoke, he looked at the old school building that was about to be demolished, and then looked at the team leader of the police. "Then please captain Yang search the old school building to see if anyone is still inside."

"OK." Captain Yang should be ready to arrange people to enter the old school building.

Seeing this situation, song Yue was in a hurry. After all, he Zixin was tied to the old school building by him. If he went in and searched, he would find he Zixin immediately.

As soon as he Zixin is found, all his crimes will be exposed. At that time, everything he has done will have no meaning, and even he will end up with attempted murder.

Why? Why did his careful planning become like this? Which step was wrong?!

Because captain Yang wanted to lead the team to search inside, the originally scheduled blasting naturally stopped.

At this time, Yi Qianci's mobile phone rang, which was a text message prompt tone.

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