Now I want to tell you the truth!

Just the kind of dodge and the kick just now are enough to prove the skill of the second young man.

The crowd tried to catch up, but another explosion sounded, and then another building collapsed, stirring up a large amount of dust and gravel, which made the footsteps of the crowd a meal.

In this case, what should I do? Break in with me?

But once hit by a collapsed building, in this case, the chance of survival is too small!

How many people in this world dare to do this?!

Yi Qianci kept running towards the auditorium. At this moment, he didn't even have time to analyze whether what song Yue said was true or false, and whether he Zixin was really locked by song Yue.

Thoughts almost become a blank, leaving only an instinctive action.

At the same time, he Zixin finally broke the rope binding her wrist. Her hands were full of wounds. Many wounds were still bleeding.

The body, because of long-term binding, becomes slow and even numb.

But at the moment, she had no regard for all kinds of physical discomfort, and she had to race against time to get out of here.

Just now she was surprised to hear two huge explosions, and after each explosion, there was the sound of buildings crashing down.

The interval between the two explosions is not long, at most 30 seconds, less than a minute.

So the next explosion should happen soon. Maybe the next explosion will blow up the auditorium!

He Zixin stumbled towards the door, but the more he wanted to speed up his steps, the more uncoordinated his feet were.

At this time, the third explosion roared, and then the ground shook violently. He Zixin tilted to one side and fell heavily to the ground.

She should be glad that although the explosion was very close, it was not from the auditorium where she was located.

Boom ~!

It was the loud noise of another building collapsing.

She just felt like her eardrums were going to be pierced.

The surrounding walls were rapidly cracking, and large pieces of cement board fell from the ceiling.

He Zixin understands that the auditorium is also very dangerous. Maybe even if there is no explosion, most of it may collapse in a moment.

Hurry up! Get out of here!

But the legs seem to be soft and have no strength.

He Zixin raised his hand and hammered his leg heavily. Finally, he struggled to get up and staggered forward.

Seeing that she was about to run to the door, a piece of cement fell from the ceiling and hit he Zixin's shoulder, which also made her fall to the ground again because of the inertia of gravity.

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