When she saw the pictures taken by the bodyguards for his drones, she was worried, trembling, afraid, thankful, and admire!

Yes, I admire you!

I admire his son, who even chose to break in alone to save people in such a dangerous situation. I also admire he Zixin's choice to stay where he is and move the stones on Xiaozhi when he can escape first.

These two children clearly love each other so much!

Fortunately, at last, they were close to the entrance. The security guards and police also worked hard to seize the last chance before the explosion, rushed in and took them out together.

If the timing is any worse, maybe everyone will die in it.

At the thought of this, Ling is still terrified.

Two hours later, he Zixin finally saw Yi Qianci.

More precisely, she saw Yi Qianzhi lying in her hospital bed, because her hospital bed, including the instruments to monitor her physical condition, were all moved to Yi Qianzhi's ward.

Fortunately, Yi Qianzhi's ward is very large, and one more hospital bed doesn't seem crowded.

Her hospital bed is placed next to Yi Qianzhi's hospital bed, so as long as she turns her head, she can see Yi Qianzhi.

Yi Qianci is still in a coma after the operation. His head is wrapped in gauze and his body is covered with a thin quilt of the hospital. His hands and feet exposed outside the quilt are wrapped in gauze, and one of his legs is still in plaster.

However, if he didn't enter the ICU ward, it shouldn't be a big problem. He Zixin thought to himself that as long as he doesn't have any big problems and can recover in the future, that's good!

She can ask for nothing but peace.

Even if there was a complaint in his heart because he suddenly asked to break up, it has become irrelevant now.

For her, his life is the most important!

and...... He is willing to risk his life to save her like that, which is enough for her to aftertaste for the rest of her life!

He Zixin looked at Yi Qianci so quietly that he didn't even know when there were fewer people in the ward.

However, she didn't insist for long. After all, she had only had surgery, so looking at it, she unknowingly fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, there was a noisy sound in the ward.

When she opened her eyes, she found that there were doctors and nurses around Yi Qianzhi's hospital bed, checking something.

He Zixin immediately became nervous, and then heard a medical staff around her saying, "Miss He, don't worry, just young master Yi woke up. Now Dr. Kang is checking his basic situation after waking up."

He Zixin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the nurse standing by her hospital bed.

The nurse smiled, "I'm responsible for taking care of Miss He in the ward. If Miss he needs anything, you can call me."

He Zixin understands that this should be arranged by the Yi family.

"OK, thank you." He Zixin said, "when can I drink water?"

The feeling of thirst is getting stronger and stronger.

"Now you can drink a little water." The other side said, then came to a cup of warm water, took a straw, let he Zixin lie down, and drank some water with this straw.

After drinking the water, he Zixin felt more comfortable.

Before long, Yi Qianci's examination seemed to be over. The people around the hospital bed gradually retreated. He Zixin finally saw Yi Qianci's face.

Just as she had seen before, but now, his eyes are open, he Really woke up.

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