"Modest, you are willing to save me with your life, but you still want to break up with me. Why?"

Yi is modest, thin, lips tight, and looks straight at the person in front of him.

She's asking him why

In fact, he also asked himself why in his heart!

Mingming has planned to stop caring about her, and Mingming has planned not to be controlled by this woman, but why did he work so hard to save her when he knew she was in danger!

Even in the end, he gave her the chance to survive, just for her to live.

It seems that in his subconscious mind, her life is more important than him.

"Are you worried that I don't love you enough, that one day I will fall in love with others, and that your feelings will be paid wrong again?" She is giving him the answer.

This is also the answer she thought over and over again.

"He Zixin, I don't want to hypnotize feelings again and again. I don't want the future. Recalling those memories of the past, I just become a passer-by." Yi said modestly that this feeling is actually not good.

Sometimes it even gives people a feeling that they are not human.

It's like his life has become irrelevant to himself, and his feelings are becoming weaker and weaker.

It seems that the part of human nature is slowly separated from itself.

"Since you don't want to hypnotize again, why don't you want to believe me once?" He Zixin murmured, "I believe my feelings for you can last until the day we really die."

"I believed you." He said.

If he didn't believe her, he wouldn't go out with her at that time.

"Just because I told you not to beat song Yue when you took it, was this trust destroyed?" He Zixin continued.

"You're not on my side when you need to make a choice, are you?" Yi said modestly, "he Zixin, if you don't want me to destroy you in the future, you'd better leave me far away now!"

She stared at him. "What do you mean you don't want to ruin me in the future?"

"My feelings are extreme, and you can't bear my extreme feelings." He said, "yes, I know the reason why you told me not to hit song Yue at that time, but so what? I'm very tired. If I continue to be with you, I'll be uneasy to guess how much you love me. When I see you with other men a little more cordial, I'll think, will you fall in love with others and leave me? Do you understand this uneasy and anxious mood?"

This was the first time he had told her his emotions so clearly.

He Zixin stared at the person in front of him, so he didn't feel safe?

In their feelings, he has always been on the insecure side?!

How could this happen?!

Obviously, the communication between them is more like the one on the strong side. At that time, he was the one who said "try communication". Finally, they made formal communication, and she was the dominant one.

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