"But isn't this equal to cohabitation?" She said.

He asked, "don't you want to?"

It's also No reluctance. To be fair, he Zixin, after all, they all lived together for more than ten years, and during this time, she also lived in the Yi family. For being under the same roof with him, she can be said to have no discomfort, but

"Does your family know you want to live here?" She said.

"I know." Yi Qian replied.

"So... How did they react?" Don't think it's her who abducted their son and brother!

"How should they react?" Yi Qianci asked in puzzled reply.

Hezixin helps her forehead. Well, since they are now boyfriend and girlfriend and have a good relationship, cohabitation is also normal.

Although her small apartment has two rooms, Yi Qianci still puts everything in her room. In short, he plans to share a room with her.

He Zixin has no objection to this. Anyway, it's not a matter of two days to sleep in one bed.

Besides, they will get married sooner or later. What's the difference between sleeping together one day early and one day late?!

However, six months later, hezixin found that there was still a difference.

That day, just after class, she and Yu Qingqing went to a restaurant near the school.

Although the heat about her has already fallen, many people in the school know that she is in love with the second son of the Yi family, so when walking around the campus, others naturally pay more attention to her.

Some are deliberately flattering, but also cynical.

He Zixin tried to ignore these.

After lunch, they finally found an empty seat to sit down.

Just after sitting down for a short time, several people came next to him. As soon as they saw he Zixin and Yu Qingqing sitting on their seats, their faces immediately changed.

One of the girls rushed over and asked angrily, "how do you grab seats?!"

Hezixin was stunned. "What's the rush for seats? When we came, the seats were empty."

"But I have something left. You should know that this seat is mine!" The girl is unhappy.

The dining room table where hezixin now eats is a table for six people. When she and Yu Qingqing came over, they saw a book on the table in front of one of the chairs. In school, it usually means occupying seats, so she and Yu Qingqing didn't sit on that chair either.

"We didn't sit in the chair you occupied." He Zixin said.

"You are unreasonable, aren't you? I occupy the whole table!" The other party said, "I put my books on the table, what do you mean by sitting down!"

Hezixin frowned, "it's too unreasonable for a book to occupy the whole table, especially in such a high and peak period."

"What can't be said? There are many of us. We originally wanted a whole table!"

But he Zixin looked, and now it was just three girls with dinner plates in front of them!

"There are only three of you."

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