He Zixin pursed his lips, as if hesitating, "in the hospital."

"What?" Yi Qian's voice obviously changed, "Why are you in the hospital? Injured?! where is the injury? Is it serious?"

A series of problems exploded at the other end of the mobile phone.

Hezixin said embarrassed, "I'm not injured... That... There's something wrong, so I just came to the hospital."

"What is it?" He demanded.

"Just take a blood test to see if there is... Er, just pregnant." The more she spoke, the lower her voice became.

After all, the results haven't come out yet. It's not clear whether she is pregnant or not. She's just a big aunt who postponed it for a week.

In the past, her great aunt postponed the longest time, and there was more than half a month or so.

Then there was silence on the other side of the cell phone.

"Modest?" Because the silence was too long, he Zixin couldn't help asking.

"Which hospital are you in?" The voice of Yi Qianci sounded again.

When hezixin said the name of the hospital, Yi Qianci just said quickly, "you wait for me in the hospital, I'll come right away!"

When Yu Qingqing came back from buying bread and mineral water, he Zixin was staring at his mobile phone in a daze.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"Just now, I called modestly and said he was coming." He Zixin said.

"Then he also knows that you came to the hospital to check whether you are pregnant?" Yu Qingdao.

"Well." Hezixin nodded.

Yu Qingqing handed the bread and water in his hand to his friend, "eat some first. Your stomach is empty now."

Hezixin didn't refuse, so he took the food and began to eat.

"By the way, what are you going to do if you are really pregnant?" Yu Qingqing asked curiously.

"Will be born." He Zixin didn't hesitate about this.

If there is a little life in her stomach, it is natural to be born, but Modesty has made safety measures, except a month ago, that night They had several times, and the last two times, it seemed that they had run out of condoms, so they didn't take safety measures.

Could it be those two times?

However, it is still uncertain whether it will win or not.

When he Zixin ate half of the bread, Yi Qianci rushed over. When he stood in front of he Zixin, he was still a little panting. It can be seen that he ran all the way after stopping the car.

"Why did you... Come so soon?" Hezixin said in surprise that it had been only ten minutes since he called her.

"When I called you, it was not far from here." Yi said modestly, "the result is not late?"

"Well." He Zixin said.

"Didn't you eat at noon? Why do you eat bread now?" He glanced at the unfinished bread in her hand and asked. After all, it's only early 2 p.m. now. It's reasonable to say that if you had lunch at noon, you wouldn't be hungry to eat bread now.

Before hezixin had time to say it, Yu Qingqing had told the story of noon in the restaurant with indignation.

When he said that the other party poured the soup directly on hezixin, Yi Qianci's face suddenly became gloomy, and his body was invisibly emitting a violent spirit.

Even Yu Qingqing, who was still angry, obviously felt the anger on Yi Qianci and couldn't help but close his mouth.

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