"What?" Gu Qianyao was dumbfounded.

However, Yi Qianmo didn't pay attention to Gu Xiyao, just took Wang Yuxin's hand and said, "Let's go, go back."

"Okay." Wang Yu agreed.

Before leaving, she glanced at the pale Gu Qianyao again.

In front of the mighty Yi Qianmo, Gu Xiyao, who used to be like a nightmare to her, was nothing but a clown.

The two came to Yi Qianmo's villa, Yi Qianmo said to Wang Yu, "Go to sleep, today's court session, you didn't sleep well last night."

"Sleep here?" Wang Yuxin asked.

"Yes, sleep here. Before you go to bed, you can take a good bath and change your clothes. I will prepare it for you." Yi Qianmo said.

Although Wang Yuxin had also stayed in Yi Qianmo's villa before, she never took a bath or fell asleep in the villa.

But at this moment, after hearing the other party's proposal, her body's exhaustion also came up, so she did not reject this kind offer.

After the servants put the water in, Wang Yuxin walked into the bathroom.

There was warm water in the huge bathtub, and when she buried her body in the water, she became a little drowsy.

Yi Qianmo was wrong. It wasn't that she didn't sleep well last night, but that she hadn't slept well for several days.

These days, as long as she thinks of the upcoming court date, she is so nervous that she can't sleep well. Now that Gu Xiyao has been in prison, then it should be her next...

Unconsciously, Wang Yu leaned against the edge of the bathtub, his eyelids gradually became heavy, and finally he closed and fell asleep...

After a long time, the door of the bathroom was knocked lightly, and it was opened after no one responded. Yi Qianmo walked in and looked at Wang Yuxin, who was already asleep in the bathtub, and couldn't help but smiled, "What's wrong with me? , It turned out to be asleep."

He took the towel next to him, squatted down, and carefully carried her out of the bathtub.

Cover her with a towel to keep her from catching a cold.

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