Yi Jinli raised his eyebrows slightly, "So, are you going to tell your mother?"

That look is both a warning and a threat.

Yi Qianmo knew that as long as it was about the mother, the father could not care about other people at all, and this even included the father and several of their children.

For my father, the most important thing in this world is only my mother, and everything else is secondary.

Even though my mother knew some dark sides of my father, in front of the present, my father would still try to show only the bright side, and he still didn't want my mother to see his cruel side too much.

"I won't tell my mother." Yi Qianmo said, "So in the matter between me and Wang Yuxin, my father should stop interfering."

"As a father, I just want to remind you that if you really can't let go of this relationship, then it's not impossible not to let it go. As long as you can keep the other person firmly in your palm, that person will still be there for the rest of your life. stay by your side."

"Even if she doesn't love me?" Yi Qianmo sneered, "Forcing someone who doesn't love me to stay with me is not necessary!"

After seeing the love of his father and mother, he didn't want to leave a body forcibly.

What's more, he has his pride.

If Wang Yuxin didn't love him wholeheartedly, but mixed with use and purpose, then he would rather not!

"Really?" Yi Jinli half-smiled.

"I will let go of her feelings, and I will never let her affect me in the slightest." Yi Qianmo said.

To let go of his feelings for Wang Yuxin, he didn't think it was difficult!


It's just that when Yi Qianmo came to the hotel where Wang Yuxin worked again, his mood was still unavoidably affected.

She said that she had resigned, so here today, he should never meet her again.

But why did he still think of her when he didn't see her?

Stop thinking about this woman!

The reason why he wanted her that day was just to tell himself that this woman was nothing more than that.

Between them, it's just a deal.

Since it is a transaction, then there is no need to have any feelings.

Whether it is love or hate, there is no need to have it anymore!

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