is she still alive

Where are the children? Is the child doing well?

Everything in the body seems to have become so exhausted, so exhausted that one wants to leave everything behind.

But there was always a voice that kept calling in her ear.

"Yu Xin, Yu Xin..."

That's... Qian Mo is calling her!

She can't just sleep like this, she wants to open her eyes, she wants to see Qian Mo, see their child...

Wang Yuxin only felt that in this life, she seemed to be using the greatest strength to open her eyes.

Finally, light slowly flooded into her eyes.

Extraordinary... glaring!

So much so that the eyes almost became bright white, and after a while, the eyes slowly saw everything in front of them clearly.

That's...the white ceiling.

There are also unfamiliar machines, as well as medical staff in white coats.

"Wake up, finally wake up, great!" She heard someone shouting happily in her ear.

She wanted to open her mouth, wanted to ask something, but her mouth was extremely dry, and her whole body was extremely weak, as if she couldn't even open her mouth to speak.

It took a long time for Wang Yuxin to realize that she was in the ICU ward, and seventeen days had passed since her delivery and surgery were completed.

She was able to wake up now, which finally made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Seventeen days?

She was in a coma for so long again!

And what she was most worried about at the moment was - "Qianmo...Yi is he?" She used all her strength to say this sentence.

When the voice came out of the mouth, it was very soft and vague.

But the nurse still understood, and replied, "Mr. Yi Qianmo is very worried about your condition. You are waking up now. For him, this is really the best news."

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