But until later, when people from the Wu family began to have strange behaviors one after another, no one finally thought it was nonsense anymore!

That's... a curse!

That woman is an insect master, raising Gu and casting a curse.

After that, the Wu family spent a long time looking for a solution to the curse.

From generation to generation, the wealth of the Wu family has accumulated more and more, but the number of direct descendants has become less and less.

Finally, when it was almost time to end, I finally found a way to understand the curse.

And this sacrificial hall was also built at that time.

Every Qingming and winter solstice, there will be a sacrifice in this sacrificial hall.

In the sacrificial hall, an old man is standing in front of a portrait at this moment.

In the painting is a woman in ancient costume, bright and charming, it is the portrait of the woman who cursed the Wu family back then.

Such a woman can love someone deeply, and when she hates someone, she can be venomous.

"You're back." Mr. Wu turned around and said, looking at Wu Mochen who was standing behind him.

"Yes." Wu Mochen replied.

"How's your body doing during this time?"

"It's still the same. Although there will be occasional pain attacks, it's still tolerable." Wu Mochen said.

"The medicated bath has already been prepared. After Bai Yiyi graduates, you and her will get married as soon as possible, and then let her give birth to a child as soon as possible. You should know that the only thing that can save you is the child born with her."

Wu Mochen lowered his eyes lightly, "I understand."

"Okay, let's go." Mr. Wu said.

The formulaic tone is like that of superiors and subordinates.

Wu Mochen was already very familiar with this way of chatting.

In the Wu family, it seems to be like this, they will wear a mask of restraint, the so-called family affection and warmth seem to not exist in the Wu family.

Or it should be said that even if the members of the Wu family have family ties, they are indifferent, as if everything they do is for the continuation of the blood of this family.

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