She was stunned for a moment, and then a red glow appeared on her face. "I... I..."

Ling still didn't know how to answer. It seemed that either "yes" or "no" was wrong!

"Don't say no!" Yi Jin left the bully's hand to surround Ling's waist and said to her, "if I really have children, I will only have children with sister a, so... If sister a really wants to be a mommy, I can only be a mommy of my child."

Ling's face is still redder. "This is the hospital." In addition, there are still people walking back and forth in their current position. Now he is surrounded by her like this, and someone has looked this way.

"So what?" His lips were close to her ears, and his breath was sprayed on her ears and neck. "Sister, do you understand what I just said?"

Her body could not help shivering, his voice and breath, like an invisible demagogue, let her uncontrollably nod in response.

After getting on the car, Ling's face is still red.

Yi Jin left the car, and she sat in the passenger seat, the eyes can't help but glance at him.

From her point of view, we can see his side, sharp outline, deep eyes, high and straight nose, which makes his face look more three-dimensional than ordinary Oriental people. His facial features, jaw lines, neck lines, as if everything is not beautiful.

What would it be like if she had children with him? The idea, the moment, filled her mind.

"Do you like to see me so much?" The voice of Yi Jin's leaving suddenly rings in Ling's still ear, interrupting her trance.

"Ah!" She suddenly found out that she was stunned to see him just now. Ling is still in a state of embarrassment. When he is a little at a loss, his cell phone rings suddenly. Ling still picks up his cell phone and looks at the caller ID. it's his friend Qin Lianyi's phone.

When she pressed the answer button, a rippling sound came from the other end of her cell phone, "still, is it convenient for you to make a call now?"

"Well, yes." Ling still hurriedly said that she had to thank Lianyi for calling to avoid the embarrassing moment.

"When are you free? Let's go to s City, but it's better to hurry up. The witness of that year is now detained in the police station. Bai Tingxin said that he could help to cover the man's words. He asked if you need to take part in it and have a look together." Qin Lianyi said.

Ling is still shocked, "Bai Tingxin? You told him what I was going to turn over? "

"Haha... That... Because I think he has a wider range than me, I asked him to help investigate the information about that surname you, and see if we can find some clues. I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry. " Qin Lianyi said.

"What do you have to apologize for? You are helping me." Ling still said, in her opinion, Bai Tingxin is not a helpful person. I'm afraid that this is also what ripple finally asked for.

"When will you be free? I'd like to make an appointment with Bai Tingxin, but it's better to hurry up. The person surnamed you is only detained for seven days at the police station." Qin Lianyi said.

"Tomorrow, then." Ling still said.

"Tomorrow? Aren't you going to work tomorrow? " Qin Lianyi said that although tomorrow is the weekend, it still seems that only Saturday afternoon can we have a rest.

"I work in a small restaurant these days, so I'm free tomorrow. How about you? Are you free tomorrow?" Ling still asked.

"Of course." Qin Lianyi said, "tomorrow, I'll pick you up tomorrow. I'll go and talk to Bai Tingxin. I'll make sure of the time later. I'll talk to you later. "

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