"Nothing, just want to hold you like this for a while." He buried his face deep in the socket of her neck and smelled her breath.

It's like holding her tightly just like this, which makes him extremely attached.

Inexplicably, Ling still thinks that at this moment, Yi Jin's move is childish, as if the child is holding the baby's toy tightly and refuses to give up.

And she is the toy.

Ling still raised his hand and gently embraced Yi Jin.

When her hand came back to hold him, his body suddenly trembled a little. After a while, his low voice sounded in her ear, "sister, I like you to hold me like this. Would you hold me a little longer?"

The voice of whispering, just like coquetry, makes people can't refuse.

"Good." She should hold him like this, and let the time flow quietly...


the next morning, Qin Lianyi arrived at the gate of yizhai on time to pick up people, but in addition to Qin Lianyi, there was also Bai Tingxin, and the driver was Bai Tingxin.

It's just the car driving, but it's Qin Lianyi's cheap car.

So, at the gate of yizhai, Bai Tingxin and Yi Jin stare at each other, while Qin Lianyi takes Ling's lead and takes the initiative to sit in the back seat of the car to meet her friends and exchange feelings.

After all, because Ling is still busy at work, the two can have dinner once a month in half a month.

"Is it Bai Tingxin driving later?" Ling still asked, after all, it was Bai Tingxin who just opened it.

"Yes." Qin Lianyi shrugs, "anyway, driving is a kind of thing. Men can do their best." At first, Bai Tingxin was going to drive his multi million car, but Qin Lianyi thought it was too ostentatious to go to a detention center to drive such a car.

What's more, if she changes hands halfway, she will have to worry about what to do if she accidentally bumps into a luxury car of that level.

As for her small broken car, she drives easily. Even if she bumps into something, there won't be any expensive repair fees!

So she insisted on driving her own car.

Fortunately, Bai Tingxin didn't get involved with her, so he drove over.

"Do you have the key points to think about today?" Qin Lianyi asked, that's what we have to do today.

Ling still nodded, "it's all written in the book, but then I can't do the routine myself. That person should still remember my appearance."

"No." Qin Lianyi said, "Bai Tingxin found a mediator to help him mediate the dispute. At that time, these key questions will be asked by the mediator."

Ling still didn't think of such details as Bai Tingxin. "By the way, how did the witness get into the detention house?"

Ling still suddenly found that things should not happen so coincidentally. When they investigated the witness here, the witness just went into the detention house, and then Bai Tingxin was able to find the mediator.

Qin Lianyi said with a smile, "that is, Bai Tingxin found a group of people, got drunk and had a dispute with that person, and then that person started to hit people, and then he was detained."

"..." Ling still doesn't know how to evaluate it.

"Anyway, the witness surnamed you is not a good person. He made a lot of money by taking advantage of your business. Now he's in detention, which is quite cheap for him." Qin Lianyi is not at all in love with the witness.

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