It's like if this man can't bear others to say that Ling is still half bad.

Hua Lifang's heart can't help but raise a tinge of envy. Why can Ling still find such a handsome and good-looking boyfriend? She doesn't care about going to jail. But she got married and married early, and she was only a blacksmith.

At that time, I thought that if I married a blacksmith, the other side had a skill, and the bride price given by the other side was also successful, but in recent years, she thought more and more about it.

Those little sisters who used to mix with her lived a good life in the city. What white-collar workers, civil servants, directors and so on were all married. They all seemed high-grade. She didn't have the face to say that her husband was just a blacksmith.

In recent years, she often thought, if she didn't get married so early in those years, now, would she be able to get married into the city? At least I can marry a white-collar man!

"Well, this is still your boyfriend." One side of the third aunt interposed, as if a pair of heart and soul admonishment, "then you have to cherish this time, before that what say the rich and powerful man, you say people and you together for what, is not a picture of fresh, a turn of the head, is not to dump you."

Yi Jin from micro Yang eyebrows, see Ling still, "a man with money and power? Who does she mean? "

"..." Ling still estimated that Yi Jin was the third aunt. After all, he rushed to the town to save her in the last battle.

Only that time, in Feng fool's home is uncle two, aunt three did not go, so did not see a Jin.

Sure enough, Ling still heard a kind-hearted explanation from Aunt Sanyi. "It's like this. When she was still here, there was a rich and powerful man who brought a lot of people to pick up our house. It was still a luxury car. I was still worried about it. I was afraid that such a rich and powerful man would not be sincere to her I'm afraid she'll fall into it, but fortunately, I have a boyfriend like you now. "

Ling still thinks it's funny. Aunt and cousin are really virtuous! They all like to reveal something on purpose. Unfortunately, the third aunt doesn't know that the rich and powerful man in her mouth is in front of her at the moment.

"Is it? Then you really want to. " Yi Jin leaves the light tunnel, then hugs Ling's still shoulder intimately, approaches her, exhales as LAN's way, "so, did you sink in?"

Ling still couldn't help but stare at Yi Jin. He knew that the third aunt was talking about him and asked her deliberately.

What's more, do he know how ambiguous their posture is now!

"Stop it." She mumbled.

"I didn't make any noise. I'm serious." Yi Jin is away from the low murmur way.

Ling still blushed for a while, and could only whisper, "go back... Again."

"Well, go back and say it." Yi Jin said with a smile, seeing Ling's eyes still full of gentle doting, which is quite different from the ice cooling just now.

On the other side, Bi said it was gorgeous, that is, the third aunt was a little old, but looking at this scene, she still had hot eyes, and could only scold her shameless words in her heart.

As for gorgeous Fang, her jealousy is deeper.

This man, don't really care about Ling's past? Or does he care too much about Ling? So you can ignore the past?

"That, can I also call you a jin?" Hua Lifang said, "I'm still a cousin. You can call me Lifang."

"No, you can call me Mr. Jin." Yi Jin leaves the way, as for saying that he shouts gorgeous Fang, he doesn't plan to shout at all, and naturally doesn't care what she says in the second half.

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