"It's good. Fortunately, it's different." Yi Jin leaves low and murmurs a way, he doesn't want that kind of woman, holding a face of her.

But when they were children, they looked like each other, which was... Very good.

Yi Jin's eyelashes trembled a little, and she lowered her eyes slightly. The long eyelashes covered the thoughts and calculations in her eyes at that moment...


Yi Jin left and Ling still had dinner. Towards evening, Grandpa Lu came back, still cold to Ling, even worse to Yi Jin.

Ling is still on Grandpa 's attitude is not strange, but to see Grandpa' s attitude to Yi Jin from, Ling is still some worry about looking to Yi Jin from.

After all, as Yi Jinli, I'm afraid that no one dares to take this attitude towards him.

However, Yi Jinli still smiled at Ling, as if she saw her worry, and suggested with her eyes that she didn't have to worry.

This is to let Ling still a sigh of relief.

When eating, grandma is very happy, and her appetite is better than usual.

While hualifang was eating, she couldn't help but say, "Hey, Grandpa, you don't know, she has left the sanitation station now. She's a delivery rider. Although she's tired, she can make some money if she's diligent and quick."

"When you're a runner, there's nothing to say!" "Lu Laozi disdains to say," read so many years, finally become a runner, also don't disrelish. "

Ling's face is still a little white, and grandma has helped Ling to still talk, "what's this, you old man, you are still self-reliance, don't steal and don't rob, what a shame!"

"I knew that. Why did you read so many books! It's better to work as early as Lifang. " Lu said.

Gorgeous Fang took the opportunity to say, "Hey, still, I thought you could fight for it and give your family a long face. Who knows that you are a law student and even a drunk driver who knows the law and breaks the law? Don't do this again. Last time you were in prison, we lost enough face in the town."

Grandma's expression was obviously angry. Ling was still afraid that grandma's anger would affect her body, so she hurried to the end of the scene. She knew that gorgeous Fang was stabbing herself, or was she smiling carefully. "I've learned a lesson. Isn't it long?"

Gorgeous Fang is feeling that she has overwhelmed Ling in words and is still elated. Another voice suddenly rises, "I don't think there's any shame. She has a longer face than many people now, because she's on her own."

Yi Jin leaves to say, but he looks Ling still in the eyes, is dotes on.

This makes gorgeous Fang jealous again. Ling still has something good. This man's eyes are like his eyes, only Ling still exists.

In the past, Ling was still an elite lawyer, but now he is just a man in prison!

She couldn't understand what Ling was still seeing.

Ling is still on the eyes of Yi Jin, only feel warm in the heart, this man, no matter when, is maintaining her.

And grandma on one side, seeing all this in her eyes, was secretly satisfied.

After a meal, Ling still had to leave. Before leaving, she reluctantly said, "grandma, when you get better in the future, I'll take you to Shenzhen to have a look and have some special snacks there."

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