However, after finding Lifang, he didn't give them to Lifang.

I don't know why. Just like the silver bracelet, he didn't give it to Lifang.

It's as if once I gave it to Lifang, it's as if his thoughts for so many years are coming to an end.

What's the matter with?

These two days, his mind was full of the words she said when she had a headache that day.

Is that really bullshit?

The red marks on her wrists have faded, but the feeling of being held tightly by her hands seems to remain in the wrists.

"Ling still, tell me what is the truth!" Gu Li Chen murmured, his hands gently embracing the purple dress hanging in the wardrobe.

It's like embracing the closest lover... "Ah!" Ling still woke up abruptly. It was dark and cold sweat when he touched his forehead.

Dream again, in the dream, the little girl is carrying the little boy on her back and walking in the mountains. She can even feel the hard work of the little girl at that time.

But the little girl in the dream persisted, as if she would not leave the little boy anyway.

Recently, the dream seems to be more and more frequent, and the scene in the dream, like playing a movie, will change every time.

In other words, this dream is really her forgotten memory?!

Suddenly, Ling still seems to think something is wrong. He turns on the lamp at the head of the bed and sees the empty place beside her.

Ah Jin, where has he gone?!

Ling is still surprised. After a look at the time, it's more than 3:00 in the morning. Where will he go at this time?

She got up, went to his original bedroom and study next door, but did not see his people.

Then she went downstairs and still didn't see him.

And his cell phone, she saw it on the bedside table near him before, that is to say, there is no cell phone around him now, and she can't contact if she wants to.

At this point in time, he...

suddenly, Ling still thought of the last time she found him in the spirit hall in Yi's house.

That time, it was midnight!

I don't think so. Now he has gone there again!

She bit her lip slightly, walked out of the main house quickly, and ran towards the direction of the spirit hall.

When I got there, I saw that the light of the hall was on.

Is he really in there? Ling still thought about it, and the steps were more urgent.

When she came to the front door, she opened the door, facing the hall. In her apricot eyes, she printed the black-and-white picture on the top of the hall.

That's a picture of ah Jin's father!

Between the eyes and eyebrows of this man, there is endless gentleness, which should be a high existence, but finally it is frozen to death in the ice and snow.

Or, at that time, he was all for death.

Abandoned by the most loved woman, so also lost the will to live.

Ling still has sympathy for this man, but also has a kind of anger at the bottom of his heart.

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