A few days ago, Xiaoyan saw the birthday gift she still prepared, and asked curiously, so she told her son that this month, 22, is my aunt's birthday, when Mummy will give the gift to my aunt, as a surprise.

I didn't expect that my son still had his birthday in mind.

Think about also, still so good to Xiaoyan, how can Xiaoyan not pay attention to it?

Children are always simple and direct. Whoever treats them well will be close to them.

"I want to choose a present for my aunt." The little guy is very serious.

When Zhuo qianyun heard the words, he could not help hesitating.

Still give Xiaoyan so much help, if not still help, Xiaoyan can't use such a good hearing aid so quickly, and it's still appropriate for his son to choose his own gift.

But there are a lot of people in the mall, and if you want to choose a gift, you will have to spend a lot of time outside.

And the longer you stay out, the more risks there are!

After all... Ye Wenming should stay in Shenzhen these days.

If meet Ye Wenming... Think of here, Zhuo qianyun's body can't help shivering.

Even after so many years, even if she had already died of heart, but often think of this man, her body, still spread a pain.

Once she loved the most, but brought her the deepest pain.

But now, she has to spare no effort to avoid him!

"Mommy!" Xiaoyan looks up with a longing in his eyes. It can be seen that he would like to choose a gift for his favorite aunt.

Zhuo qianyun hesitated for a moment and nodded, "that's good, but we need to pick faster. We need to go home earlier."

"Good!" Xiaoyan nodded obediently.

Zhuo qianyun takes his son's hand and walks into the shopping mall.

On the first floor of the shopping mall, there are many luxury brand counters. Looking at those brand names that used to be very familiar, Zhuo qianyun has a kind of feeling like an afterlife.

At the beginning, when ye Wenming doted on her, he also bought her many famous brand clothes and bags.

As long as she likes it, he will not hesitate to buy it for her.

At that time, she thought this was a man's love.

But in fact, the original pet and love, is not the same. Pet, can be only when you as an object, random with the material to pile up, but this inside, there is no half sincere.

It's just that she understood too late.

Xiaoyan takes Zhuo qianyun's hand and comes to the women's clothing counter on the third floor. He wants to choose a pair of crystal shoes for Ling.

Because he was in the park, he heard a few little girls talking about wanting Cinderella's crystal shoes.

"Crystal shoes are not for sale, but we can choose a pair of beautiful shoes for aunt, OK?" Zhuo qianyun said.

Xiaoyan's two delicate eyebrows wrinkled, and then reluctantly agreed.

But when it comes to choosing shoes, the little guy gets excited again.

Zhuo qianyun is following her son, looking at the little life that gives her courage to live.

At this time, Zhuo qianyun suddenly saw a shadow coming down from the escalator from far away.

In a flash, her body suddenly became extremely stiff.

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