"Viciousness?" Ling still interrupts Xiao Ziqi's words, "if this is called malice, then you don't know what the real malice is, Mr. Xiao!"

She suffered that kind of inhuman torture in prison. Several times, she thought she couldn't survive. Xiao Ziqi was afraid that one tenth of that kind of suffering had never been suffered.

"Are you satisfied that you really want to destroy her?" Xiao Ziqi is furious.

"Then she was going to destroy me, wasn't she? Even my hands, if not lucky, I'm afraid I can't take anything now. " Ling is still sarcastic.

Xiao Ziqi's eyes fell on Ling's hands, which were still on his side.

In fact, in recent years, his mind occasionally recalled the scene of that year, and then his mind would burst into a complex mood.

Especially after knowing that Ling was still wronged, he would think more about whether he and she would go on if she had not been wronged.

But then he stopped thinking.

For him, dreams are the best. For him and the Xiao family, dreams are the best choice.

"Still, you have Yi Jin left now. Why do you have to kill all your dreams?" Xiao Ziqi softened his tone,.

Ling still sneered and looked at Xiao Ziqi's Apricot eyes. Some of them were just disgusted. "Mr. Xiao, I'm afraid you don't know what it means to kill them all."

"Hao Yimeng is just banned by the entertainment circle now, but she is still the second miss of the Hao family."

"She has family, you are unmarried, with the support of Hao family and Xiao family."

"It's her betrayal, the Hao family and the Xiao family who are at the end of their lives. She is in pain, but there is no way to ask for help. She can only live like death. "

Ling is still saying one by one, Xiao Ziqi's face is becoming more and more pale.

"Do you want to see it, Mr. Xiao?" Ling still said.

But Xiao Ziqi can't say a word at this moment.

Until Ling still got on the car, after the car left, Xiao Ziqi the whole talent staggered and swayed.

Just now, there was a kind of fear in his heart, for fear that Ling would still be killed as she said.

At the beginning, when she was with him, she was confident, sunny and gentle. Whenever he asked for anything, she would try her best to do it well.

But now... It's cold and disgusting.

Or, her gentleness and sunshine are for another man, a man... He can't afford to offend at all!

Xiao Ziqi felt only in his heart, as if filled with a sense of loss.

Ming Ming's dream is still better and more suitable for him than Ling's, but... Why does he still have such a feeling?

Heart, as if some in the pain.

Is it to dream? Or for Ling still?

Or in order to make Ling still say "kill all", is that still what she has experienced...

at this moment, Xiao Ziqi is not willing to go on.


the driver drives the car and still drives Ling back to yizhai.

On the way, Ling still sends a wechat to ask Yi Jinli if he really has something to do with killing Hao Yimeng.

I didn't expect Yi Jin to answer right away.

But only three seconds later, the other side returned a message: HMM.

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