If he used to be covered with some kind of cold, now, he has become full of a gorgeous amorous feelings. Even the licking / licking of the redness looks like temptation.

"Now, is it still painful?" He asked quietly, with such charm and gentleness.

"No... Not too much." Ling's voice is still a little stuttering.

In this way, where is the feeling of pain? All her senses seem to be captured by him!

His thin kiss, constantly spilled on the red mark of her wrist, she timidly wanted to pull back, after all, there were other people besides them in the car.

But he stubbornly grabbed her hand and didn't let her take it back.

"Don't move!" He said.

"But..." she looked embarrassed.

"Don't move, you don't move, that's all, or I don't know what I'm going to do." his voice suddenly became almost pleading, and the hand holding her wrist was shaking slightly.

Ling is still stunned. He thinks that after he found her on the mountain today, he seems to be different from him.

But now there is an outsider, and some words are not easy for her to ask directly.

The driver in the front row and Gao Congming were almost shocked when they heard Yi Jin's words just now.

Is the person who just spoke... Really Yi ye? That high man, how ever used such a begging tone to beg a woman?

Ling still hesitated for a moment and didn't move any more.

But Yi Jinli is closing her eyes gently and continues to kiss her wrist.

I want to get rid of all the traces that Gu lichen left on her, and mark his brand.

What would he have done if she had just pulled her hand away? Maybe... Will break her hand directly?

Why does she stay with Gu lichen today? Why does she let Gu lichen carry her? Gu lichen in her heart, in the end, how much status?! These questions flashed through his mind.

All the joys and sorrows are manipulated by one person. That's what it's like now!

The taste that father once tasted, now it is to change him to taste!

Just different from his father, he still won't betray him, definitely not! She said she loved him!

He kept kissing and rubbing his cheek. He was restrained like a careful child.

When the car stopped at the gate of yizhai, Gao Congming respectfully said, "Yiye, here you are!"

The long black eyelashes trembled a little, Yi Jin slowly opened her eyes, turned to the people around her, and then he directly held her out of the car.

"Ah!" Ling still exclaimed. At this moment, the wrist of her right hand had just been kissed and rubbed by him. It was almost numb. The blood all over her body seemed to be pouring into the wrist.

At the moment, she is at a loss when she is carried out of the car like this!

"Ah Jin!" She called out to him and beckoned him to let her down, but he carried her directly back to the bedroom.

He put her on the bed, squeezed her fingers between her fingers, pressed her hands on top of her head, "tell me, why are you with Gu lichen today, why is he carrying you, and what did you say with him?"

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