Because she is still in the filial piety period for grandma, plus the day after grandma's tail seven, she doesn't want to wear bright colors.

but she did a little bit of foundation and drew herself a light make-up.

Of course, with the flexibility of her fingers now, she would like to paint some more delicate make-up, but I'm afraid it can't be done.

Lowering her head, she looked at her ten fingers and smiled gently. Although her fingers could not recover as before, they were much better than before.

Now, her hands have been put down by Gu lichen. Later, she will only hold ah Jin's hands!

Stand up, Ling is still about to leave the room, the corner of his eyes, but saw that the door connecting the two bedrooms is open at the moment.

Since ah Jin used to sleep together in her bedroom, he rarely went back to his bedroom.

Ling still walked up to the door, which was supposed to be closed, but when he got to the door, he walked into his bedroom again.

"Ah Jin?" She said, and then saw that there was no one in the room.

He's not in this room. Is he making cakes in the kitchen downstairs?

She remembered that he had said that he would spend the day with her in the house today.

Ling is still about to turn around and leave, but she sees an album on the counter.

At the moment, the album is open. In the album, it's Yi Jinli as a child, taking a picture with his father!

This is... Ah Jin's album?!

Ling still can't help but take the album up, said, she has not seen a Jin's album!

Ling still began to read from the beginning. In the album, it was a picture of Yi Jin when she was a child, or a single photo, or a group photo with her father, but there was no picture of her mother.

When the album is more than half, it's the photos of him after he was 7 or 8 years old. His clothes are obviously different and much better than before, but he doesn't have the ignorance of children in his eyes. He looks much more mature than his peers.

At that time... It should be that his father has passed, and he has returned to the Yi family.

Ling still thought to himself, and continued to turn page by page. In the album, he grew up year by year, growing taller and taller. From being cute as a child, he gradually became a kind of beauty.

But in these photos, he is mostly expressionless, and is always a person, even... She can't see that he has a picture with his grandfather.

Is it not in this album, or... They have not taken photos together?!

Ling still thought of before in the Lingtang, Yi Jin left standing alone in front of his father's memorial tablet, all alone, her heart, can't help but start to feel hurt.

The death of his father was the turning point of his life.

In the photos before he was 7 or 8 years old, at least his expression was rich, including happy smile, crying and pouting, but after that, his expression became more and more single.

Ling's eyes still lingered on a picture of him when he looked about 3 or 4 years old. He smiled happily.

She couldn't help but take out her mobile phone, take a picture of it, and store it in her mobile phone.

She hoped that in the future, his face would always show such a smile!

When she was about to close the album, she suddenly found that the last page of the album was blank.

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