"Why be afraid?" Instead, she asked strangely, "I like you and you like me, which is quite normal!" Of course, she can't let her conservative parents know.

By the way, it can also help her remember how they rolled the sheets together before. Who told her to roll the sheets twice? She didn't have any impression!

He suddenly chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked, puzzled, "think I'm too active?" Well... It seems that in some way, she is not very reserved.

However, her lack of reserve was only directed at him.

"I think you are the woman I love!" He moved his finger and kissed her.

This kiss is hot and lingering.

His ripples are warm and pure. When facing her, he will never need to engage in intrigue or arm himself to resist all the craziness / wind / rainstorm. He can unload the thick armor and show himself in front of her!

He is lucky to meet her and fall in love with him! Unconsciously, she seems to have become his salvation.

He thought, he will spend his whole life to love this woman!

Ling's face is still red and swollen until she goes to work, and finally it's almost gone. She mends some powder on her face, but it's not obvious to others.

At the end of the day, it was the driver of the Yi family who drove Maybach to pick her up.

"Miss Ling, Mr. Yi asked me to pick you up." The driver respectfully said.

Ling still nodded and got into the car. Anyway, even if she refused, Yi Jin had thousands of ways to let her see him.

Maybe it's only when he's really tired of the game that they can really end it.

While Ling is still on Maybach, Guan Lili continues to hide in the dark and secretly takes photos. This kind of picture, naturally, is more and more the best.

These "evidences" can be good tools for tearing up later!

Just let her regret is how not Yu Kaihao himself to pick up Ling still.

If yu Kaihao came in person, it would be even more wonderful!

Ling still got on the car, thinking about the accident compensation case. Today, Xiao Li's parents called her again and cried that she had no money at home. If she could not get the compensation, Xiao Li would have to stop the medicine with better effect and use the medicine with poor effect.

But in this way, Xiao Li is less likely to wake up.

Ling is still worried, but there is nothing she can do. She is just a lawyer... Even now, she is just an assistant. All she can do is collect data and find useful evidence.

And some of the information, protected by privacy regulations, is not available to her at all.

For example, there must be a money transaction between Huang Yanying, who is now responsible for the crime, and Su Xi, the actress, so Huang Yanying will take the blame, but she has no right to go to the bank to retrieve the transfer records of the two.

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