"Then... Don't you want me either?" His thin lips, opening and closing, seemed to spit out this sentence with great difficulty.

No?! This word, suddenly let Ling still have a kind of impulse to laugh.

What kind of man is he? How can she afford such a man.

"You're really drunk, let me get up, it's very late..."

before she finished, his face suddenly lowered down, and the tip of his nose almost touched the tip of her nose, "drunk..." his expression was like crying and laughing, "still, I'm not drunk, I'm awake..."

her whole body was covered by his breath, this man, He was not drunk, but if he was not, he would not have said such a thing.

"You don't want me, will you?" He murmured, his voice was so hoarse, and there was a kind of begging in those black eyes filled with pain.

It's like her promise. It's very important to him.

Clearly know this moment, in fact, he is drunk, what he said may arrive tomorrow morning, he does not remember at all, but Ling still can not help but tunnel, "Yi Jin left, you still say these words to me now, what's the meaning in the end? You told me not to want you, but you didn't want me first! "

There was a kind of depression on his face.

and her voice continued, "before, I said I wanted you because I was a family member and because I love you, but now, I don't love you, so naturally I won't want you."

Yes, do not love him, and will not want him! She said this not only to him, but also to herself.

His eyes, gradually become scarlet, her words, constantly stimulate his eardrum, let him suffer.

Don't love him, so don't let him...

a kind of endless panic quickly permeated his body, as if even if he tried his best, he still couldn't keep the people under him.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

No! He doesn't want this!

How could she!

"Hmmm..." Ling was still surprised by the kiss. She raised her hand and tried to push him away, but his hands directly pressed her hands on both sides of her body.

She was almost breathless when she was kissed. When the kiss was over, he pressed her hand to release slightly. She raised her hand sharply and hit him directly in the face.


The crisp slap of the hand sounded in the narrow rental room.

Yi Jin's cheek was beaten to one side, and five finger prints appeared on her face.

Ling is still panting. She only feels the pain in her palm. It can be seen how hard she slaps it.

He seemed to be dead for a long time, then turned his face, and the pair of confused peach eyes fell on her face again, and then held up the hand she had just slapped him.

Ling is still shivering.

The slap she had just slapped, even if he really wanted to break her hand, it was no surprise.

After all, there are a few people dare to beat a man like him!

There's nothing to be afraid of! She closed her eyes and said to herself.

When she was in prison, the pain she suffered was much more severe, and even hurt her. She would hate to have a knife around her, so she could kill herself.

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