"Then you think I don't care about you." She said, almost with milk, she helped him up from the tile floor in the bathroom, and then half dragged him to the bed to lie down.

And obviously, he was obviously very uncomfortable at the moment. When he was lying in bed, his body was curled up like a shrimp. His handsome face was slightly twisted due to pain, and his teeth were rattling. His hands were always pressed on his stomach.

Ling still suddenly thought that he had stomach spasm in front of her. Is it difficult? Today he has stomach pain again?

However, it's not impossible. After all, he seems to have drunk a lot today, especially when he was drinking with Gu lichen at the beginning, he should be... On an empty stomach. At that time, I didn't see any food for them.

"You don't have a stomachache?" She asked.

He did not answer, his thin lips clenched. Just that pair of peach blossom eyes, but has been looking at her.

"Then I'll call Gao Congming and ask him to pick you up to the hospital." She said.

"No." He then said with some difficulty, "you... Don't you love me, don't you don't want me, don't you... Hate me?"? So I'm in such pain now. You should be happy, right

Happy? Ling is still looking at the man in front of him. At the moment, he looks pale and fragile. His handsome face is full of a kind of fragmentary broken.

But she didn't feel happy to see him like this.

"I'm not you, Yi Jin. Even if I don't love one person, don't want one person, or even hate one person, I don't have to be happy to see each other's pain!" She said, "if you don't want me to find Gao Congming, you can wait for me here. I'll go to the nearby pharmacy to buy medicine for you!"

She said, took the key and the mobile phone, hurriedly walked out of the rental room.

He is the only one left in the small rental room.

Yi Jin closes her eyes again.

Why did she say that, but he didn't feel happy at all? She is going to buy medicine for him now, but there is a little pity in her heart.

Stomach, pain more and more uncomfortable!

It seems to be more painful than ever before, mixed with the pain after drinking, the whole person seems to become empty.

Who in the world really wants him?

His mother doesn't want him, because in her heart, he can only make her rich, and her mother can only rely on her son's tools, but once this tool doesn't work, it can be easily given up.

The Father also does not want him, even if the father's heart has the love to him, but this father son's love, compared with the father's love to the mother, is too light, too light, therefore, the father will because of the mother's thorough departure, but frustrated, leaves this world, forgets that he still has a child.

Grandpa doesn't want him any more. For Grandpa, he is just a "wild seed" with half of Yi's blood in his body. Grandpa has never admitted his mother's identity.

In Grandpa's eyes, he is just a tool to continue the blood of the Yi family, but this tool has some functions, so he can inherit the family business of the Yi family.

And now... Still... Still don't want him!

Even if he used his brother-in-law to keep her around him, she still didn't want him!

"Don't love... So don't..." he murmured, the pain in his body became more and more intense, as if it was not only stomach pain, but also the pain in his heart and bones... Even every breath was also painful...

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