Addicted to you

109 The annoying person

"I-I mean it Shin, i know how ungrateful i am for saying this but i'm tired. I..." Yeri took a deep breath, feeling something clutching her heart.

"I told you not to aggravate yourself." Shin coldly spoke with a darkened expression.

"Shin, I don't...just leave me alone, don't visit me anymore." Yeri couldn't understand why she's having a hard time voicing out that she don't love him, maybe because of guilt?

"i'll leave, just give me a minute." Shin suddenly hugged her.

Stunned, Yeri tried to push Shin but the latter didn't budged.

"just one more minute..." Shin whispered to her ear. "don't forget to always eat on time and drink all your medicines, if you need anything don't do it by yourself and call a nurse."

Shin gently smiled while stroking her hair, he then kissed her lips and turned to leave.

Yeri blankly stared at the door where Shin left, that's it? he's gone? he didn't argued with her and insisted whatever he thinks?

so this means they're over right?


She should be happy right? she can finally do what she always wanted and Shin can be with someone who deserve him better.

"...." why is her heart so heavy?

"ah! time for my medicine, yup! that's why..." Yeri mumbled to herself and called for a nurse.


Rhian Family Estate

When Tiffany got out of the hospital 3 days ago, she dared not leave her house or told anyone what really happened that night.

Aside from the general questions the police had asked her and the terrorist news, that deeply buffled her, things went back to normal.

What's really disturbing her is Yeri, she was shaken to the core with the news of her regaining consciousness.

She have no idea what happened to her but why didn't she just die!

"Tiffany? would you like the maid to serve your matcha dessert now?" her mother asked.

Tiffany just then realize she's still having a meal with her family.

"oh, before i forgot, that guy you like, Jj Zhi? his parents wanted to meet us regarding the arrange marriage."

"really?! I'm marrying Jj?" Tiffany happily exclaimed, no longer troubled.

"We are just discussing it with them, Tiffany. I haven't agreed yet, Jj Zhi isn't even the heir of the Zhi Corporation." his Father firmly said.

Tiffany turned gloomy again and went running to her room.


Neri Grand Hospital~

"...since that happened he's been avoiding me, imagine Levi's shocked face when i sneaked up on him at the hallway the other day and-" Nina blabbered but soon realize Yeri isn't listening. "look your boyfriend's here!"

"huh?" Yeri snapped out of her trance state, looking around.

"heh..." Nina squinted her eyes. "bitch! tell me who is it?"

"Nina, you know i don't have one." Yeri put up a force smile.

"uh-huh, says someone who just poured a bowl of sugar to her coffee, if you're not feeling bitter then what is it? I don't wanna be executed by your parents for letting you get diabetes." Nina snickered.

Yeri looked at the empty sugar bowl, did she really poured all of it?

It's been two days since her conversation with Shin and he didn't showed up again. Why is she even thinking about him?

"Yeri are you ok? maybe we should head back inside?" Nina frowned, they're currently at a cafe within the hospital garden.

Yeri pondered for a minute but she couldn't understand what's messing up her mind. "Nina, what if there's this very annoying person who keeps on annoying you and the more annoying thing is that he's annoying attitude annoyed you then-"

"Yeri!" Nina snapped her fingers. "go drink your sugar coffee, i think you really need it! can we take a shortcut here instead of running around your maze?"

"right...uhm, so this annoying person who did nothing but annoyed me-"

"Yeri!" Nina rubbed her temples, looking frustrated. "anymore annoying word and i'll have brain tumor! now, what about this person that REALLY bothers you?"

"He's very annoying."

"...." is it ok to slap a patient?

Nina incredulously looked at the present Yeri, expressionless and unmoving, a perfect example of the literal meaning of 'barbie doll'.

"If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders."

"huh?" Yeri muttered.

"ever heard of that famous saying? you keep saying he's annoying but why are you so affected? do you love him?"

"of course not!" Yeri quickly denied.

"wow! such a strong rejection, someone's been bitten by a lovebug!" Nina giggled, smiling like a clown.

"will you stop assuming? he's the god of annoyance so his good in annoying me that's why i'm affected."

"Yeri just so you know, I am this close to slapping you." Nina gestured with her fingers. "anyway, this person...he loves you?"

"...." Yeri fell into silence for a moment before nodding her head.

Nina chuckled. "oh my god! i'm so smart! hehe~ well, stop complicating things and just go for it!"

"I can't."

"can't or won't? or is it both?" Nina raised an eyebrow. "Yeri this is so not you, if there's nothing wrong with him aside from being annoying then why not give it a try? unless, you prefer living in regret."


"so tell me, tell me! who is this person? is he handsome? rich? famous?"


"fine! don't tell me, but i'll bet the remaining 92% of my phone battery on this guy as your soulmate, do you wanna why?"

"why?" Yeri blankly asked.

"coz you're so annoying!" Nina glared at her. "Yeri, what exactly are you afraid of?"

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Yeri stiffened and her heart raced, Nina's question felt like an arrow that crumbled her strong defenses.

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