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Zhi Residence

At the same time, unbeknownst to Yeri, the tension is high inside her Father's study room. A heavy silence prevailed when Klaus place a device on his table.

Venice and her Mother were initially nonchalant but shocked registered on their faces upon seeing the familiar device.

"I don't like to beat around the bush, explain." Klaus spoke with an air of superiority.

Venice tightly clenched her fist, feeling fear and anger on her heart, just where the hell did her mother hide the camera? she even failed with such a simple job?!

"Klaus, we don't know what you're talking about! just what do you me-"

"I did it!" Venice suddenly spat out.

Hei Ryung stared at her daughter with unsettled eyes. Why did she confessed? is she insane?!

"Uncle Klaus it's just me, my mother really don't know about that hidden camera." Venice held herself responsible, glancing at her mother with meaningful eyes. It's better she should do the talking than let her mother hinder her plans.

"Venice..." Hei Ryung wept without tears, her daughter love her so much she's willing to shoulder all the blame, such a filial daughter!

Madam Zhi who retained her silence snorted, she refused to believe Hei Ryung has nothing to do with it.

"Uncle, I know i'm in the wrong but i didn't do it out of malice. Yeri is just like a sister to me, I was just worried she might go astray."

"What are you implying? are you saying we didn't raise our princess well?" Madam Zhi sneered.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, that's not my intention. It's just that..." Venice feigned a troubled expression.

"Zenia aren't you going too far? you don't have to be mean." Hei Ryung quickly defended her daughter.

"Enough! Hei Ryung if you really have nothing to do with this, get out." Klaus spoke in an authoritative tone.


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"Mom stop! it's fine." Venice quickly chided her mother, can't she tell she's acting? must she ruin the mood?! "Uncle, actually...uhm-"

"I'm not going anywhere!" Hei Ryung eagerly refused to back down.

Why is she so unlucky to have a snail-brain of a Mother?

"Uncle, during Yeri's birthday banquet, Mother happened to passed by the hallway and saw Yeri being intimate with an older guy but didn't get to see his face. We have never heard of Yeri having a boyfriend so it's possible they're on a secret relationship, I know we are not in the position to judge them but i'm just worried this guy can be a bad influence to Yeri." Venice didn't dilly-dally any longer, afraid that her mother will start spouting nonsense again.

"Princess has a lot of male friends, what made you think it's her boyfriend?" Klaus indifferently asked.

"because...not only they were hiding," Venice bowed her head, seemingly hesitating. "Mother said she overheard Yeri inviting the guy to her room after the banquet."

"how absurd! Klaus do you believe this liar?!" Madam Zhi exploded in rage.

"how dare you call my daughter a liar! Zenia don't forget Yeri isn't your-"

"Mom!" Venice grabbed her mother's arm, giving her an exhausted glare, can't she understand they're clearly on the losing end? going against Yeri's step-mother won't change the situation. All they can do for now is instill doubt into their minds.

"you were saying?" Madam Zhi raised an eyebrow.

Klaus remained indifferent, looking at them with an unreadable expression.

"Uncle, Auntie! I'm really sorry!" Venice looked remorseful as tears welled down her eyes. "I shouldn't have tried to spy on Yeri, we decided not to tell you about it since it will only lead to the way we are now. I thought the guy will try to visit Yeri at the hospital, I just wanted to know who he is and what are his intentions...If he is someone outstanding and deserving of Yeri, why is he hiding in the first place?"

"hmph! even if you're not a liar, your reasons doesn't make you a saint." Madam Zhi disdainfully looked at Venice.

"you- Zenia, why are you so heartless?!" Hei Ryung trembled in rage, thinking Madam Zhi is just faking her concern towards Yeri to please Klaus. The slut isn't even her daughter!

"Venice, whether or not your intentions is really for my daughter's sake, your actions is still unacceptable. Have you thought about the dangers the Family will face if this camera fell into the wrong hands? did you really think the Zhi Clan don't have any enemies?" Klaus reprimanded her. "I'm really disappointed in you, till this matter is resolve, the both of you are forbidden to approach princess and you're not allowed to talk about this matter anymore. Moreover, Venice under no circumstances you can go to any of the Zhi estate nor receive any allowance till i say so."

Venice looked completely dumbstruck, she already expected a punishment but didn't expect it will be to this extent! how will she live without an allowance?!

"Klaus, this is too cruel! you know my daughter just got back from abroad, she haven't even settled yet! her only fault is her concern towards Yeri, is it really that bad?" Hei Ryung clutched her chest in resentment.

"What is going on here?!" the door suddenly opened and an Old Man with a cane walked in.

"Old Master Zhi!" Hei Ryung exclaimed, her eyes turned hopeful. "please help us! my daughter don't deserve this injustice."

"...." Why is this jinx here? Mo Zhi frowned, ignoring Hei Ryung. "How is Yeri? aren't you supposed to be at the hospital? what is this injustice all about?"

"Father, why did you cut off your long vacation? princess is fine." Klaus calmly asked.

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