Addicted to you

119 Do you also think i can'st protect her?

Grego Dayton lay in the laboratory bed looking like a zombie, the medical equipment didn't help ease his suffering with the devil paying him a visit every night.

All his life he had never feared death but he unknowingly called forth the harbinger of death and forfeited his life eversince he was tempted to taste that woman, like a forbidden fruit, she belongs to the devil.

"Update?" Shin asked looking at Grego indifferently.

"Boss, he's in a state of delirium cause by his own drug, vulture." a laboratory attendant explained.

Shin briefly observed Grego, what's the point of torturing him now? "He no longer interest me, you know what to do."

The laboratory attendant nodded and took out a vial containing a drug cocktail.

"Sh-in Keir." Grego weakly muttered, his unable to see him but he know the devil is there.

He refuse to accept that this is the end, he will never let go of everything that he built and work hard over the past years! also that person betrayed him and coldly cut all their connections after things went south, no one will save him now.

"Smuggling vulture isn't the real purpose we came here, in fact, that person..."

Grego then heard some footsteps and the sound of door opening, is he leaving? "Alec Keir!" he suddenly exclaimed in shallow breathing.

Shin turned menacing as his gaze swept back to Grego while Tristan, who's usually nonchalant also look murderous.

"What do you know about him?" Tristan asked.

"Deal, i want a deal first...spare my life and i'll work with you to bring down Alec." Grego bargained.

"heh, work with us? really, i'm impressed. You don't even deserve to be called a dog." Shin smiled chillingly.

Did he take him for an idiot? who will willingly work for someone who ruined you?

"I know you have been looking for him all this time, you'll never find him without my help."

Tristan's expression dimmed, he hates to admit it but Alec Keir's specialty is hiding, they have no clue of his whereabouts for 10 years now inspite of their manpower and advance technology.

"Shin Keir, if Alec didn't betrayed me first, i wouldn't tell you this. As i said, the drug was just our front, we came here for you but Yeri-"


Shin swiftly pulled out his gun and shot Grego in the leg. "Do you think you're worthy to utter her name? tell me what you know so i can kill you right away."

Grego jolted in pain, isn't Alec the person his been dying to find all this time? why don't he want a deal?! "you will regret this Shin Keir! Alec is coming back and you know who exactly is his first target! you created a big commotion just to find me, he will soon realize your connection with that woman. Did you really think you can save her-"


Shin pulled the triger and shot Grego in the head, killing him. Didn't he warned him not to drag his wifey on their conversation? and Alec betrayed him? the drug must have been messing on his mind for him to reveal that. If Alec betrayed him, then it only means he's not a threat.

Tristan sighed in frustration, thinking the same way as Shin. Why did Alec let Grego live knowing the latter might expose their connection? simply because Grego is just a mere pawn.

"Do you also think i can't protect her?" Shin asked, his eyes gleamed like hellfire.

Tristan frowned, did Shin misunderstood his sighed? Grego's last words must have triggered the devil, he know more than anyone else that Shin's triggering point is telling him that he can't save the one he love.

The laboratory attendant and the bodyguards present looks like they just swallowed a poison, one wrong word from Tristan and all hell will break loose.

"If i think you can't protect her, i would have long convince Sheri to get a face insurance. It actually baffles me how she manage to maintain such a pretty face in this cruel world." Tristan calmly said and patted Shin's shoulder.

"...." what the hell! Boss Tristan, are you trying to get us all killed?!

Shin's expression turned even more darker but Tristan wouldn't be by his side all this time if he would cringe easily. "Shin, things are no longer the same way as before, didn't you just save Sheri today? I know Grego was just bluffing, I also don't think Alec found out Sheri is your girlfriend because of the incident, those house snakes must've told him."

"...." Shin turned to leave with a blank face, not saying anything.

'Shin, my weak and pathetic baby brother, I will always remember your cries as you watched your mother engulfed in flames...someday, I would love to hear it again.'

Alec's parting words before he went missing echoed in his head and rammed his heart, he will never let it happen again! not with Yeri!


The next day, Yeri spent her day with her mother and Jj visiting, she felt glad that her mother didn't queried more about her sudden change of room.

On the other hand, Madam Zhi is still distracted about Venice's words that she couldn't be bothered about the hospital changes.

After they left, Yeri had her usual check-up and leg therapy session, she wanted to message Shin that she can finally move her legs and stand but decided to tell him later, in case he will visit her.

How about sending him a picture instead?

"uhm, Nurse can you stop in that corner and take a picture of me standing?" Yeri asked the nurse, who's helping her back to her room.

"alright but will you be ok standing?"

"yup, it's just for a minute." Yeri fixed her hair feeling self-conscious. "do i look pretty?"

"Miss Zhi is always pretty." the nurse smiled.

Yeri slowly stand up, leaning on the glass wall to support her weight. The nurse is about to take a picture when Yeri tried to move sideways and unexpectedly lost her balance.

Yeri thought her knees will hit the floor but suddenly felt an arm hugged her waist preventing her to fall down.

"Thank you, mister." Yeri quickly recovered and sat back to her wheelchair.

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"Yeri Zhi?" the man asked in excitement.

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