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134 She absolutely cannot say that she have a boyfriend!

Venice fiercely glared at Yeri, her eyes full of hatred and resentment, she thought that Yeri will look miserable and terrified over her scandal but she's even more arrogant.

Maybe she's just pretending?

Furthermore, she was expecting that Yeri will get punish or worst, lose her position in the Family for tarnishing the Zhi's good image but it's actually quite the opposite, even the Old Man looked calm.

But why? why are they always protecting her?!

Venice averted her gaze to calm her emotions, once she get Shin Keir, she'll definitely take her revenge and bury the Zhi Clan for all the injustice she suffered!


Yeri wryly smiled, she have to admit that Venice's acting ability is better than before, did she went to a drama school abroad?

"Hmph! Zenia is this how you educate Yeri? no wonder she can't tell what's right from wrong you're always unfairly biased to her! just ask Old Master Zhi how disrespectful she is! maybe she should learn from Venice, she's not only a filial daughter but her circle of friends are also from the noble families! Young Master Saeki even invited her to a party with CEO Keir!" Hei Ryung bragged looking like an exhausted fish vendor with her hands around her waist.

"...." with Shin? Yeri arched an eyebrow, are these two freaks snacking on some delusional pill lately?

"Hei Ryung, before you question my daughter's upbringing why don't you take a look at yourself first. The Zhi household isn't a place for you to act like a lunatic, with your current speech and actions aren't you exposing your lower class breeding?" Zenia sneered.

Hei Ryung suddenly lost her rationality upon hearing the taboo word 'lower class', veins popped out on her forehead as she pointed at Madam Zhi. "What did you say?! stop acting all high and mighty you ugly b*tch!"

"Hei Ryung, watch your language!" Old Master Zhi angrily interrupted.

"Mom, calm down!" Venice nervously grabbed her Mother, why is she so stupid?! "Auntie, i apologize for my Mother! she's just under a lot of pressure lately because of my situation."

Madam Zhi scoffed, completely unaffected, she excuse herself and went back to the kitchen to help prepare Yeri's favorite food.

"Hei Ryung why are you so hysterical? If you can't talk sensibly then leave! I will never tolerate such manners!" Old Master Zhi reprimanded.

At this moment, Hei Ryung got slapped by an ice cold water and returned to her senses, she immediately break down and cried.

"Old Master Zhi, i didn't mean what i just said, it was just a moment of outburst! you also heard them say a lot of hurtful words, my daughter is already pitiful...she don't need to be reminded of my mistake before...huhu..." Hei Ryung said in between sobs.

Yeri pursed her lips in disgust, this woman is really a thick-skinned crocodile.

"Aunt Hei, what do you mean by hurtful words? what mistake? do you regret giving birth to Venice? I don't understand why you're suddenly judging me, what happened to your concern earlier? my banquet was a mess and i almost lost my life, after i got discharge this news flared up, it's evident that they not only want to ruin my reputation but to also sow a discord between us. I am simply stating an example for everyone to realize the gravity of being falsely accused and how it felt to be wronged, don't you hate the feeling now? Aunt Hei, you're a smart and magnanimous person, please don't misunderstand me." Yeri said with a straight-forward face.

Hei Ryung was rendered speechless, what smart and magnanimous person?! she's obviously mocking her!

This b*tch ability to twitch her words and turn things around is really topnotch!

How she really wanted to grab this scheming b*tch now and tear her into pieces!


Old Master Zhi did not chastise Yeri. Soon after, Klaus Zhi arrived with a scary expression, they had a peaceful lunch and no one dared to start another argument.

Yeri also didn't want to discuss about the news knowing her Father's keen insight, she might slip out and say something suspicious.

She absolutely cannot say that she have a boyfriend!


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Back at K.V Corporation, Secretary Yun almost fainted upon seeing the chaos at Shin's office.

eh? Why is the Boss smiling? so scary!

Secretary Yun robotically march towards Shin and handed a document. "Boss, i already settled the matter with the media outlets, these are the list of media and publishing companies involved in releasing the news about Ms. Zhi and as for the legal action it's already in process...ahem! Boss can you give me more time to track these online accounts?"

There's like millions of them, i'm going to die of fatigue soon, huhu...Secretary Yun wanted to add.

"just focus on the top commenters no need to track the rest, most of them are using dummy accounts anyway." Shin instructed, his murderous aura lessened after the call with Yeri.

Secretary Yun heaved a sighed of relief and quickly change the topic.

"By the way Boss, Zhi Corporation is currently in trouble because of the news, some investors back out and there's a number of shareholders selling their stocks. I also received inquiries asking about your stand in this crisis, some of them even hired people to investigate your movement." Secretary Yun reported with a contemptous expression.

"Great! this kind of situation is like a company's nightmare but it's also a good opportunity to eliminate dysfunctional people, give a hint from those people they hired that i'm also selling my share, i'll let them feel conceited for a few days." Shin commanded exuding an imposing aura of dominance and prowess.

Secretary Yun nodded and immediately left while Shin started buying the Zhi corporation stocks from his computer using one of the company he anonymously built as a buyer.

After that, he look into the documents Secretary Yun handed earlier and found a familiar name- Jie Entertainment.

Shin's slightly good mood faded and he abruptly called a certain someone.

"Hello?! what's this? the great CEO Shin Keir suddenly miss me?!" Jie jested, he's currently at a bar with some friends.

"Saeki Jie, do you believe i can turn you into a castrated beggar by tomorrow?"

"pfft- cough! cough!, Big bro calm down! no one's challenging your authority, what can i do for you?" Jie hurriedly left the bar not minding his friends confused faces.

"Jie entertainment is your company?" Shin asked.

"yeah, hehe~ Big bro, do you fancy any celebrities? tell me her name and i'll immediately deliver her to you within the day! or do you want assistance with a press conference-"

"Very good." Shin briefly said and hung-up.

"...." f*ck! did the devil forgot to take his medicine?!

Jie was so scared that he immediately called Tristan to back him up.

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