When Shin's informant told him that Yeri went to Gamemaster with her friends he was extremely excited.

A lot of possible scenes played on his mind once he see his yz again, but instead of surprising her, it was the other way around...Shin wasn't expecting Yeri's friends were two men and why the f**k theres so clingy to her especially that gigolo looking guy!

Shin is so furious that he almost went berserk, it was at this time when Yeri saw her first and thought his glaring at her.

When Secretary Yun notice his boss wrathful face, heassured him that the guy is just Yeri's cousin and the other one is a childhood friend according to the informant...although Shin calmed down a bit, he still dont want other guys touching his woman! he wanted to punch the living out of that cousin of her but it will ruin his plan, so Shin forcibly suppressed his anger and left.

At the same time, Secretary Yun is immensely agitated, he never questions his boss decisions but he doesnt understand what is it the President wants to achieve by stalking her.

'And in addition, why is the young miss friends were all guys?! the boss has already calmed down earlier but she's again with another bunch of different guys going towards the gaming center!' Secretary Yun inwardly thought.

why can't the two of them just act like normal couple!? he'll probably go insane first before this two!


When Yeri meet Shin's eyes her heart pounded faster.

She obviously underestimated his skill! power and wealth aside, this crazy guy can definitely murder a person just with his sniper eyes!

Or has he been watching her all this time???

Yeri retracted her eyes and blended in with the crowd, it will be catastrophic if the CEO would decide to approach her.

However, after a few minutes, Yeri realize that the crowd started to disperse...she looked towards the entrance and just saw the CEO`s back going inside the car and the vehicle left immediately.


what the hell?! to her disbelief, Yeri didn't budge from where she's standing...

he left?!

what if he really didn't saw her and she just overreacted?

did he finally go back to his old mysognyist self and no longer care about her?!

That should be it right!? he never message her for more than a week now and he ignored her today.

Assuming, Yeri decided to forget everything and went back to the gaming center. After a couple of hours, the three of them left and went back to the school.


Shin is grinning from ear to ear while reading something on his laptop screen, unknowing that his grin has cause another uproar within the K.V Empire building.

Just last week he was so ill-tempered and turbulent but to everyones gaze now he suddenly turned nice and greeted everyone with a smile, except women.

Unable to read or predict the President's mood, everyone is again too scared to approach him except Secretary Yun who doesnt have a choice.

Secretary Yun steeled himself and did his usual task, if he continue analyzing the President's recent actions he'll just have a headache.

He was busy sorting out the files on his desk when Tristan showed up, to his relieve, Secretary Yun quickly stood up and walked towards Tristan.

Seeing the employees bright faces upon seeing him and now Secretary Yun's pathetic face, Tristan can already guess that the demon on the other side of the door has caused havoc again while his gone.

"it seems like something happened while im gone..." Tristan beamed his usual smile and greeted Secretary Yun. "tell me about it".

Secretary Yun didn't waste any time and relayed everything to Tristan, including the President's stalking habits recently.

Aside from the Gamemaster's episode, Shin actually showed up again the next day at a mall when the informant reported Yeri's whereabouts and the most recent is just early that day at the convenience store outside the school.

Tristan almost doubted if the person Secretary Yun pertaining to is Shin.

While he was busy taking care off underworld matters this guy has a lot of free time to the point of doing some childish acts!

'Why cant this guy act humanly sometimes and try not totraumatize people' Tristan thought inwardly.

Tristan thanked Secretary Yun for the details, after that he opened Shin's office door without knocking.

"wife~ im back did you miss me?!" Tristan said jovially.

Oddly, Shin didn't get mad to his joke and is still retaining his distubing grin while his gaze never leave the laptop screen.

Since Shin never really cares about non-work related matters, Tristan is under the impression it might be some good news about the business.

He nonchalantly stride to Shin's side and peek on what his reading...

'... effective ways to make your girlfriend miss you crazily?!'

1. Get busy

Tristan:'....the heck?!'

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